From The Principal

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
Welcome back to Term 2.
I hope that all the students had a happy and safe Easter and a restful and relaxing holidays. I spent the second week of the holidays in Hawaii with my wife to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We had a wonderful and relaxing time sitting by the pool, sitting by the beach and swimming. We had some beautiful meals and also indulged in some retail therapy.
The Catholic Church is still celebrating the season of Easter, with this Sunday being the 5th Sunday of Easter. Easter is the most important event for Christians and so the season is the longest of all seasons in the Christian Calendar. We live in the hope of Easter. The resurrection of Jesus after his death gives us hope and proof that there is life after death. Whenever Catholics celebrate the Eucharist they are celebrating the saving act of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Every Sunday we remember and celebrate Easter Sunday. This is why Sunday is a holy day of obligation for Christians to give thanks to God for our salvation achieved through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Yesterday we commemorated ANZAC Day. At a time when the numbers of veterans marching is declining year by year, even the Vietnam War is over 50 years ago, it is important that we remember and acknowledge the sacrifice of all Australians in all the wars from the First World War until now. We do not celebrate war, but we thank those who served and sacrificed their lives for the freedom and democracy we live in and under here today in Australia. Last Friday, I was privileged to join our Year 6 students at a special ANZAC Day service for schools at the Shrine of Remembrance. Our School Captains, Marley and Joseph , on behalf of our school, laid a wreath at the Eternal Flame as part of the ceremony. With each passing generation, it is important that we keep the spirit and legacy of the ANZACS alive by remembering, by honouring, by being thankful and by ensuring that their sacrifice lives on today and into the future.
Lest We Forget.
At the end of last term Miss Belinda, one of our LSOs (Learning Support Officers) had to resign due to family circumstances. During the holidays Mrs Mazzeo, Miss Paglianiti and myself conducted interviews to find a replacement. Belinda's position will be filled by two LSOs, Adrian Valenti and James Pearce. Adrian will work on Mondays and Tuesdays, while James will work on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We welcome both Adrian and James to St. Augustine's and know that they will settle in very quickly.
Sporting Achievement
Our Grade 5 girls (and friends) basketball team, coached by Cam Jones, won their grand final on Saturday 23rd March by 4 points. Back to back season premiers. Mrs Witchell is their number one supporter and ticket holder!! Congratulations girls on an amazing performance and going back to back!! Now the goal is a three-peat.
NCCD Information for Parents
Our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast is fast approaching and is once again eagerly anticipated. This year our Year 5/6 students will be involved in the preparation, cooking and service as part of the Stephanie Alexander Garden Program.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
A reminder that all students needing to bring a mobile phone to school are required to check these in at the office upon arrival and collect them at the end of the day. Any student with a smart watch such as an Apple Watch must have these on parental lock mode during the day, otherwise these need to be checked in at the office as well as they function just like a phone. I do support students wearing watches to develop their skill of being able to tell the time and wearing fitness trackers to keep track of their daily steps, heartrate etc to promote health and fitness. However, the school will not be responsible or liable for lost or damaged mobile phones or smart watches.
Any parent needing to communicate with their child during the day must do so through the office via phone or email or with the classroom teacher via email.
A reminder about the Farmer's Pick fresh produce boxes initiative available through our school. All subscriptions support local and independent farmers as well as supporting the school with a percontage of sales being donated towards supporting the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.
I hope all the students enjoy the long weekend.
See you all next week for Week 3 of Term 2.
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead