Religious Education & Faith Life

Holy Week


During Lent we reflect on the life of Jesus, his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial, and resurrection. 


The final week of Lent leading to Easter is a very special week in our calendar and is called ‘Holy Week’. The Church celebrates Holy Week every year. 


Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday. 


Palm Sunday 


On Palm Sunday, Christians remember the day Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem. As Jesus entered the city, people greeted him by waving palm branches and calling out Hosanna. 


Every Palm Sunday, Catholics bless palms at Mass and take them home to remember that day. 


Holy Thursday 


On Holy Thursday, Christians remember the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. 

During the Last Supper Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to teach them to show love for others. 


Good Friday 


On Good Friday, Christians remember that Jesus suffered and was made to carry his cross up the hill where he was nailed to it. 


On Good Friday, the Church gathers to kneel at the cross of Jesus to pay honour to it. The Cross is inseparable from the sacrifice of Jesus, in honouring the Cross people are honouring Jesus who died to bring new life. 


Holy Saturday 


On Holy Saturday, the Church waits at the Lord’s tomb, meditating on his suffering and death. The altar is left bare and Mass is not celebrated. Every Holy Saturday, the Church has a quiet day. No Masses or Sacraments are celebrated on that day. People pray quietly remembering the body in the tomb. 


Easter Vigil 


Celebrated on Holy Saturday evening is the dramatic Easter Vigil liturgy that marks the beginning of Easter. It is the highlight of the Church’s year and the main Mass of Easter. Everything that Jesus said and did is only given meaning by his resurrection. 


Next week, our school will gather together to remember the events of Holy Week through Easter Liturgies each morning at 8:25am and on Holy Thursday, the Year Six students will organise the Stations of the Cross for the school. 


All family members are invited to attend all liturgies and the Stations of the Cross.

Project Compassion

Many of our classes have held activities to raise funds for Project Compassion this year. We have had face painting, jelly cups, a second hand toy sale, popcorn stall and sensory balls just to mention a few.

Thank you to all our students and teachers for organising these activities and for taking part. We have raised an impressive $1,117.00 to donate to Project Compassion.