CEPS Kids are Friendly Kids

This term we are working on COURTESY 

and next week we are looking at


Friendships can enrich our lives in many ways.  Good friends teach you about yourself and challenge you to be better.  They encourage you to keep going when times get tough and celebrate your successes with you.  

We can be a good friend by being reliable, thoughtful and trustworthy.  To be a good friend we should be prepared to listen to and support our friends just as you would want them to listen to and support you.  

Doing kind things for others, using kind words and actions, helping a friend when they are sad and spending time with your loved ones are all fantastic ways that we can be a good friend. 





Congratulations to all the award and raffle ticket winners at assembly last week.

In consideration of student photo privacy and our recent responses to parent/carer consent for the use of your child's media, all CEPS award photos will now be published via Sentral, our secure communication platform (only accessible within the CEPS community) rather than the school newsletter (public access).

Thank you for your understanding.