Principal News

Harmony Day 2024

Celebrating Harmony Day 2024: Embracing Diversity with a Splash of Orange


A reminder to all families that CEPS  that Harmony Day 2024 will be celebrated on Thursday, March 21st. This year, we are inviting our students to wear a 'splash' of orange with their school uniform, symbolising unity, respect, and diversity.


Harmony Day presents an opportunity for us to come together as a school community and celebrate the tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences that make us unique. It is a day to recognise and appreciate the diverse perspectives, traditions, and languages that enrich our learning environment.


Throughout the day, our students will engage in various activities and discussions aimed at promoting cultural awareness, empathy, and acceptance. We will embrace the opportunity to learn from one another and celebrate the beauty of our differences.


Thank you for your ongoing support in nurturing a culture of diversity, acceptance, and unity within our school community. Together, we can create a brighter and more inclusive future for all.


Congratulations to Charley N in Year 5 for progressing through to the Southern Region Swimming Championships after her recent win at the Division Swimming Carnival. We wish Charley the very best on Wednesday 27 March as she competes to advance to the State Championships next month. We know she will represent herself proudly.

School Council 

The 2024 School Council nominations process has now been completed. 


I wish to acknowledge our outgoing school councillors Adam Walsh, Sid Sanyal, and Jason Crebbin and thank them for their time on our school council. Their dedication and hard work have truly made a difference in our school community. We appreciate all the time and effort they have put in to make our school a better place. 


I would also extend a warm welcome to our new school councillors Jessica Doedee, Rachel Billington, Amanda Price and Blake Seufet for joining our school council. Your willingness to join our school council is greatly appreciated and I'm excited for us to work together to make further positive changes for our school community. 

New Airconditioners

I am excited to announce that our Year 1 classrooms and 3C's classroom are now equipped with brand new air conditioning units! Thanks to the unwavering support of our exceptional Parent's Committee, this important enhancement to our learning environment has been successfully completed. Maintaining a comfortable temperature in the classroom is crucial for creating an optimal learning environment, especially during the warmer months. 


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Parent's Committee for their tireless efforts in making this project a reality. Their commitment to enhancing the educational experience of our students is truly commendable, and we are incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive and proactive group within our school community. Thank you once again to our wonderful Parent's Committee for their dedication and commitment to the well-being and success of our students.


Congratulations to our Year 3 and 5 students for their efforts during the first week of NAPLAN. This week marked an important milestone as they successfully completed the Writing and Reading assessments with determination and focus.


As we move forward into the next phase of NAPLAN assessments, our students will be gearing up to tackle the Conventions of Language and Mathematics assessments next week. We are confident that they will approach these challenges with the same level of enthusiasm and confidence that they have shown thus far.


Have a wonderful weekend,

