French Programs

Sophie Oldfield


This week, our Principal Ross Pritchard, French Binational Coordinator Genevieve Papon, and Languages Learning Area Leader Sonia Boyer, attended the Australian Association of French Bilingual Schools (AAFEBS) conference in Brisbane. This annual meeting between sixteen bilingual schools is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate, exchange pedagogical ideas and projects between AEFE schools and other bilingual French schools in Australia and abroad. 

What’s happening in our French classrooms?


Students in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 are continuing to prepare for our second edition of the AHS French Conversation Competition! This competition will enable students to showcase their speaking skills and win great prizes! They have had the opportunity to practise individually and in groups with our French Language Assistant, Amandine. Merci Amandine & Bonne chance à tous!





Year 7 French students are preparing for their final writing CAT, where they will be asked to describe images using the vocabulary they have learned throughout the year. Bonne chance! 


Year 7 French Partial Immersion students have been studying physics in Science this term and in particular, they have learnt about forces and friction forces. They were asked to think about everyday life examples of when friction forces are useful and when they are not!




Our Year 11 IB French students have started a unit of work on the prescribed theme Human Ingeniosity. In particular, they have been looking at the role of art and researched the various artistic periods over time. Here are some examples of their frise chronologique (timeline):





Our class of Year 8 Binational students are about to start their official journey towards Brevet des Collèges by sitting their first Brevet Blanc examination. This series of practice exams is designed to give students a better understanding of the requirements of the DNB, in particular regarding the length of each exam (3 hours for French, 2 hours for Mathematics, 2 hours for Humanities and 1 hour for Science). The presentation detailing the process and the examination can be accessed  here. Bonne chance à tous!


DNB session 2024 in action 





La semaine des lycées français du monde will take place from 25-30 November 2024. This week is organised by the AEFE, l’Agence pour l'enseignement français à l’étranger, and aims to promote French language education worldwide. On the occasion of this special event, Auburn High School will run a French Specialist School Tour & Morning Tea with the Principal on Thursday 29 November. To register, click here: 

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