Parents' Association
Annual General Meeting - Monday 18 November @ 7:00pm
More information to follow very soon.
With its newly approved constitution by the Minister, Mullum Primary School Parents' Association (PA) is ready for its 2024 Annual General Meeting on Monday 18 November at 7:00pm!
What is the Parents' Association?
Parents’ Clubs (alternatively called Parents’ Associations) promote the welfare of, and provide support to, the school and its community. Parents are key partners in their child’s learning. By interacting with the school and other parents, parents’ club members can use their skills and experience to work collaboratively with others in supporting the school and its students and build a sense of community within the school. You can read more about Victorian Government school parents' clubs here:
Why join Mullum PA?
Joining the PA as a registered member means you will actively contribute to the wellbeing of the school community by participating in the life of the school. It's a great opportunity to meet other families through the organisation of social events, and raising funds for the direct benefit of the school. By being a member of the PA, you will have regular opportunities for two-way flow of information and discussion between the parents' club, principal, other school staff and school council so you can stay informed and contribute to school proposals. Joining the PA at or prior to the Annual General Meeting means that you will have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
What is the time commitment?
Joining the PA as a registered member is free, and your level of involvement is entirely up to you. As a member, you will be invited to attend committee meetings occurring approximately monthly during the school year. At least 3 members need to attend a meeting to meet quorum. All members are notified of the date of a PA meeting at least one week before. To best meet community needs, meetings can be held in person or via teleconferencing at a time that suits (e.g. after hours).
If you are one of three elected office bearers (President, Treasurer, Secretary), your responsibilities are outlined here: General committee members will also be sought. These committee positions are for one year, and declared open again for nomination and election at the Annual General Meeting.
How do I join Mullum PA?
You can join by completing the official form approved by the Minister, which is available at the school office or downloadable here. Forms can be returned to the office, at the Annual General Meeting or emailed to
What will happen at the Annual General Meeting?
Committee office bearers (President, Treasurer, Secretary) will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by registered members (with voting rights). The new committee will be formed and the school community will hear from the School Principal. Light refreshments will be provided for those attending in person. There is a Zoom link for those attending online.
Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meetingIf prompted for a password, please enter: 590081
Golf Day
The Mullum Primary Fathering Project team are very excited to announce our first ever Golf Day! Whether you're a Guru on the Greens, or Resident of the Rough, we'd love to see you there. All fathers and father figures from the school community are invited. We'll be playing 9 holes, teeing off from 1pm at Ringwood Golf Club on Sunday 10 November.
Cost: $33.00 that can be paid to the school office via phone or in person.
(plus $17.50 if you would like to hire some golf clubs)
RSVP: Friday 1 November.
Upcoming Events and opportunities to volunteer
Outlined below are some of the events that the Parents' Association are organising and supporting, with plenty of opportunities to volunteer. If you have some time to volunteer to support this we would love to hear from you, SIGN UP is available for some activities already.
- Parents' Assocation Annual General Meeting - Monday 18 November - 7:00pm, all welcome
- Festival of Hidden Treasures - Saturday 23 November - Cooking and serving at the school BBQ