Principal's Report
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing break. I had a lovely break, due to the Lions winning the Grand Final. I was lucky enough to be there to see them win which made it even more enjoyable!
The year seems to have flown by so quickly as we are now in the final term of 2024. Our Year 6 students are nearly at the end of their primary school journey and are looking forward to new and exciting adventures at secondary school.
Term 4 is always a very busy term in schools as we have many important day-to-day tasks to do including teaching, assessment and report writing, however we also have an eye on planning for the 2025 school year.
In Term 4 one of the biggest roles for the administration section of the school is to get in place our staffing profile for 2025. All government schools are self-managing, which means we are given an indicative budget based on our projected enrolment and we then have to staff the school accordingly.
Children’s Week
Children’s Week is a national celebration that recognises the talents, skills, achievements and rights of children.
This year, Children’s Week will run from Saturday 19 October to Sunday 27 October, with thousands of Victorian children and families expected to take part.
The theme for the week is ‘Children have the right to a clean and safe environment’, based on Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Local councils, not-for-profit organisations, schools and early childhood services organise a variety of events during Children's Week. These include open days, displays, special events, virtual spaces and online-based activities. The events celebrate childhood and showcase children's achievements.
The following link will take you to some free events that are happening around the state to celebrate Children’s Week: Children's Week | (
New Playground Area
At the end of last term, we had an area at the Senior School updated. The retaining wall that had been in place for many years was beginning to show signs of deterioration and needed to be replaced. The area is now safe and also provides a passive play space for the children. It can also be used as an outdoor teaching area throughout the day.
Grade 4 Camp
At the end of last term our Grade 4 students went to the city for a two-day camp. During the two days they visited various city attractions including Federation Square, ACMI, Docklands, Archie Brothers Amusement Centre and a boat cruise down the Yarra. It was a jam-packed two days.
I would like to thank the staff who went with the children - Joanna Bright, Jeremy Murphy, Jen Cora, Ursula Vanderzee, Claire Djuve, Joe Greige and Paula Sanford. Thanks also to the parents who went along to help supervise during the day.
Arrangements For 2025
As we are currently in the process of organising our staffing and grades for 2025 it is important that we have an accurate indication of the number of students who will be attending Preston PS in 2025.
If your child is currently in Grade Prep to 5 and they will not be returning to Preston in 2025 we would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as possible.
Please contact the school either by phone on 9470 1167, or email us at
Prep Orientation
On Thursday October 24th we will be holding the first of our three sessions of Prep Orientation. If you are aware of any families who live in our local area and have not yet enrolled their child please let them know they need to do so as soon as possible. We are all looking forward to meeting our new preps and their families in the coming weeks.
Last week the students were given their Portfolios to take home and share with their parents. It is important that parents read the Portfolio with their child and discuss their learning. The Portfolios contain a sample of the assessment tasks students completed in Term 3.
Once you have read the Portfolio could you please sign the form at the back of the Portfolio to indicate you have read it and provide any feedback. We would appreciate it if all Portfolios could be returned to your child’s teacher by Monday October 28th.
Zooper Doopers
Zooper Doopers have returned for this term. If you are able to help with the selling process on any Friday of this term, please email the school at
Please include your name and the dates you would be able to help – we have some spaces in November.
If you are going to volunteer, you will need to have a current Working With Children Check.
Term 4 has arrived, and it is once again compulsory for all children to wear a hat when they are outside. Children must wear a royal blue school hat.
Parents can buy a bucket hat from the school Uniform Shop; however, the children can also wear any broadbrimmed (royal blue) hat.
Children are not permitted to wear a baseball style hat.
Parents, please make sure your child has a clearly named hat in their bag at all times during Term 4. Children who do not have a hat will be restricted to playing in an undercover area.
Janet Paterson