Specialist Spotlight

Auslan – Deb Williamson
It’s hard to believe that the Preps are entering their fourth term of Auslan learning. Their progress during this year has been incredible and it is fantastic to see their confidence and independence continue to grow each week. We hope to finish the year with a range of activities that consolidate their learning and introduce some new concepts. To kick off the term we are learning to translate ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ into Auslan, using new and known signs, as well as imaginative gestures and facial expressions. Students will use and make props and learn how to explain the sequence of events. Then students will be learning some signs associated with school, clothing and the weather. With a focus on conversational skills later in the term, the students will be communicating about their day and learning about different mealtimes.
Students in Grade 3/4, Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 have made a fabulous start to their Auslan learning and this term we are learning how to ask and answer simple questions about themselves, their families, their daily lives, their preferences and their social activities. They will be making simple presentations of their learning to their peers in whole class and small group situations. Additionally, the Grade 3/4 and Cycle 3 students will build their awareness of Deaf culture by researching famous Deaf people and learning about the function of the ear and cochlear implants.
Indonesian – Glenda Tjhin
The Grade 1/2 students will interact with their teacher and peers by asking and responding to questions about their favourite animals. They will explore the variety of unique animals that live in Indonesia and describe an animal using a variety of adjectives.
The Grade 5/6 students will learn how to tell time to describe their daily activities in Indonesian. In this topic, they will write out their daily routines and the time of day that each activity is performed.
Bu Glenda
Performing Arts – Caitlin Kolokathis
Term 4 in Performing Arts looks like dance for students in P-4. Prep students will explore how their bodies can move in creative ways, while learning about the elements of dance and how to use them when creating and sharing dance. In 1/2 and Cycle 2, students will apply these elements to perform and create dance sequences, while also reflecting on their own experiences with dance and understanding what it means to others in the community. In 3/4, students will use the elements of dance both to create their own dance pieces and to learn and perform dances by other artists. They will explore how movements can convey ideas and meanings in their own and others' work. For 5/6 and Cycle 3, the focus will continue to be on music. Specifically, composition, combining digital and analog sounds to respond to themes or questions. Students will also deepen their music theory skills, using proper terminology to discuss and reflect on their compositions and those of their peers and other artists. They will use this knowledge to also complete a research project in which they learn about and compare two different musical genres. Mitcham Music Makers and Choir are continuing this term too, and the Junior Drama Club are preparing for a performance late in Term 4! A joyous end to 2024 in Performing Arts.
Physical Education – Laura Ellis and Tilly Birkett
This term in PE, students in Prep will be focusing on their two-handed strike, using cricket and baseball bats to practice the skill. They will learn how to properly hold the bat and how to hit the ball off a tee. Later in the term they will do a recap on all the fundamental movement skills they have learnt this year.
The students in grade 1/2 and 1-3 will be practising striking a ball using a two-handed strike. They will use different equipment and hit the ball off a tee and when it has been thrown. Later in the term, they will get to climb the rope and play modified version of sports.
Grade 3/4 students will focus on striking and fielding games. They will practise their striking skills and learn how to be an effective member of a fielding team. Later this term they will climb the rope and play some different sports that they haven't played throughout the year.
Students in grade 4-6 and 5/6 will also be focusing on striking and fielding games. They will look at the skills and the strategies needed to be successful at both striking and fielding. They will play modified versions of cricket and baseball. Later in the term they will have an opportunity to play some different sports.
We are also excited for the upcoming swimming program and surfing excursion!
Stay active!
STEM – Lauren Lamont and Erena Cain
This term the Prep students are exploring ‘Living Things’. The students will be exploring what living things need to survive, observe the growth of their own bean plant and learn about the different types of animals in our world and how we can help protect them.
In level 1/2 "Science Detectives: Exploring the World", students will engage in hands-on activities to observe and collect information about sustainability and the natural environment. They will develop observation skills and an appreciation for sustainability through a supported investigation.
In Cycle 2 and level 3/4 "Science in Action", students will explore the local environment and Indigenous scientific discoveries. They will build on their knowledge by proposing a sustainability project for the school or community, developing inquiry skills and an understanding of Indigenous contributions.
In Cycle 3 and level 5/6 "Science Through the Ages: Collaboration and Discovery", students will explore scientific phenomena, Indigenous scientific practices, and sustainability through models. They will complete a case study on renewable energy and propose a sustainability project, enhancing their inquiry skills and use of models to communicate ideas.
Visual Arts – Shea McFarland
In Term 4, the Prep students will be exploring some global artists including Yayoi Kusama and Wassily Kandinsky, creating some beautiful artworks involving circles and dots. This was also a great introduction into celebrating International Dot Day which celebrates creativity, courage and collaboration.
The 1/2s and Cycle 2 students will be investigating and exploring artworks by Australian artist, Julie Ryder and creating their own Julie Ryder inspired artwork.
Pablo Picasso is the focus for the Year 3/4, Year 5/6 & Cycle 3 students this term. The Year 3/4 students will be designing and creating their own guitar art pieces using various materials, including recycled materials. The Year 5/6 & Cycle 3 students will be using Picasso’s cubism style as inspiration to design and create their own series of portraits using various materials including recycled materials.