
There is not much time left until the end of the school year. Year 12s have now completed their Certificate III in Agriculture and Pork assessments, and most are settling into life away from the College.
Summer is coming
Year 11s still have a few weeks left with us, so please remember that hats are compulsory for Term 4 on Farm. Students have been reminded on a number of occasions, so uniform infringements will be issued from next week to those students failing to wear their hats. Please also remember as the weather warms up to bring a water bottle and wear sunscreen. Just because it is hot outside, doesn't mean the jobs stop! There are still animals to check, move and feed.
Harvest Roster
The Year 11 Harvest Roster has been placed on the Farm whiteboard, so please check when you are rostered on. There are a large number of students wanting to complete harvest this year, so if you fail to turn up at your rostered time, you will probably miss out on driving the header and chaser bin altogether.
Term 4 staffing
With a number of staff leaving us at the end of last term, and with harvest upon us reducing the capacity of a further 2 trainers, we are very short staffed for Term 4. We hope that all remaining students can be understanding and flexible when it comes to group and enterprise allocations for the remainder of the year. There is likely to be group swaps and enterprise changes each morning, to accommodate the staff that we have available. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable and there are bound to be students who are not happy with their group or the fact they may be allocated to the same enterprise as a previous week. We ask that all students understand that we are doing our best to make sure everyone is allocated to a different enterprise each cycle.
Daniel de Beer
Farm Manager
Kylie Iles
Assistant Farm Manager