From the Principal's Desk

Fees and Levies 2024
Thank you to all families who are up-to-date with Fee and Levy payments for 2024. Unless you have organised a payment plan, all fees and levies should have been settled by the end of Term 3.
As of last Friday, we had a total of $66,365 still owing.
Families in arrears will be sent an up-to-date Fee and Levy Statement tomorrow and , in fairness to all, we would appreciate accounts to be promptly settled.
Art Show
I hope you all have marked in your diaries our 2024 Art Show, scheduled for Wednesday 27th November, 3:30-6:00pm.
Come along and see a year's worth of Ocean Life-inspired artworks by our children. Who is the next Picasso or Van Gogh?
And don't forget to bring your wallet. Each of our Learning Communities has developed a piece of artwork that, would look great on any wall, which will be auctioned off on the night.
Trivia Night
Parents and Friends Association invites you to a not-to-be-missed fundraising event -the Corpus Christi School Trivia Night!
Just over 2 weeks to go! Get in quick - Only Two tables left!
Door prizes, games, raffles, silent auctions and giveaways on the night!!!
Donations or Sponsors for the Corpus Christi Trivia Night are greatly appreciated. All donations are gratefully received, including products, services, vouchers or experiences. We are also happy to discuss any bespoke offers you may have in mind. If your business or someone you know can donate, please reach out to the PFA at:
As this is a child-free event feel free to bring your beverage of choice. Some disposable cups will be available but BYO glassware.
Don’t worry if you can’t fill a table of 10. You will be amongst familiar faces, and tables will be formed on the night. You can also chat with parents in your children’s classes and form a table together. When you purchase your ticket, provide the names of the person/s you are attending with so that we can seat you with your team.
Secure your place online at:
Who will be crowned the Corpus Christi Trivia winners for 2024!? Who will take the top spot? Parents or teachers?
Thank you to our Silver Sponsor, Sophia Garro Design -
And to all our other Wonderful Sponsors:
If you have any questions reach out to the Parents and Friends Association or look out for us around the school. We are all looking forward to coming together for a fun night! Thanks in advance for supporting the school’s fundraising efforts.
Have a wonderful week
God Bless
Anthony Hyde