School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

The below students will receive their awards during next week's assembly.

Assembly will be held in the amphitheatre (weather permitting) or the BER gymnasium.


Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth. The graph below represents all student absences.

Congratulations to Super Squad - 1R6who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 4 Week 2.

Congratulations to Success Squad - 3P14who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 4 Week 3.



Student Achievement Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student Achievement Award' award.

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
JordanRadiant Rockets - FR8For showing improvement in his attention to detail and effort to complete his work to the best of his ability.
OmidPowerful Pockets - FP10For always trying his best and being persistent in all learning areas. Omid is a hard-working student who puts in effort to succeed.
SahilSuper Squad - 1R6For showing respect and using your manners in every specialist class, setting a great example for others. Your hard work and effort in your learning are clearly paying off. We've seen remarkable improvement in such a short time. Keep up the great work!
JaxonBunjil Bunch - 1L7For your great effort and improvement in reading skills. Your hard work has helped you grow as a reader. Keep up the fantastic work!
SpencerTalented Tribe - 2N11For showing responsibility when working in another classroom during a split grade. You contributed to their class discussion and completed all your grammar and syntax work. Great job!
WalterFantastic Force - 2W12For always showing the Maramba 4R’s in class. Walter is a kind and considerate member of the class that always completes his work to the best of his ability. Walter is a fantastic role model, keep up the great work!
FatimaFantastic Force - 2W12For taking responsibility for her learning. Fatima always puts in 100% effort and asks questions when she is unsure. Keep it up!
HarmonySuccess Squad - 3P14For thinking before speaking and contributing to our class discussions by confidently asking and answering questions. Well done Harmony! 
AlenaSmarty Safari - 3S16For consistently approaching each school day with a positive mindset and embracing challenges during challenging math sessions. Keep up the fantastic work, Alena!
AgnesUnited Warriors - 4B13For leading by example. She demonstrates a strong work ethic and a positive attitude that inspires peers. Agnes has started to approach challenges with determination, showing resilience and a commitment to completing classwork. Well Done! 
ZecheriahThe Knowledge Force - 4T15Always putting in 100% effort to his learning and has settling in well to his new classroom. It’s great to see the joy and positivity you have come into the classroom with Zecheriah.
 Educated Adventurers - 5/6M17 
 Courageous Crocs - 5/6W18 
 Creative Creatures - 5/6T20 


Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students and classes who have received a 'Specialist' award. 


Farleigh - Success Squad - 3P14

For never giving up. You always give 110% in everything you do and never let roadblocks or distractions stop you from achieving your best. You strive for greatness and achieve so much every time you walk through the door. You persist with silent focus and never look for the spotlight. I want you to know that I see you and am so impressed with your continued optimism and persistence. Keep it up!


Aliyah - Bunjil Bunch - 1L7

For always being excited and happy during Kitchen Garden lessons. Aliyah leads class discussions and is always the first student to try out a new skill and share her growing knowledge.


Values Badges

Congratulations to the following students who will receive a value badge.


Luke 5/6T – Relationships

Tenzin 5/6M - Relationships

Aadya 4B - Respect