Head of Secondary Years' Report 

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,


On Tuesday the 22nd October, the class of 2024 enjoyed their celebration day with a fun parade through the college and our traditional tree-planting ceremony. This was followed by a day in the sun at Fun Fields. We commend our Year 12s for finishing well and we wish them all the best for the remainder of their exams. 


The very next day we hosted the 2025 Year 7 cohort at an Information Evening. It felt quite symbolic, saying farewell to our Year 12s and then 24 hours later welcoming the new Year 7 students and their families. It was lovely to be able to showcase our College and share all of the wonderful experiences that the Year 7 students have ahead of them. 


On Thursday 31st October we were fortunate to have a visit from Federal Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth, Dr Anne Aly and Member for McEwen, Mr Rob Mitchell MP.


A select group of Year 9 and 10 students had the opportunity to hear Anne speak about her passion for giving a voice to Australian youth and sharing opportunities for them to get involved in making a difference in our community. She also spoke about Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions the Australian government makes. This strategy sets out three priority areas for youth engagement with government:

  1. We will recognise and listen to young people.
  2. We will empower young people to advocate and engage with government.
  3. We will support the government to work with young people.

It was exciting to hear that the government is genuinely interested and actively taking steps to hear the voices of Australian young people. 


Today our Year 11 students finished classes and they will commence exams at the end of next week. Our Year 10 students will finish classes on Wednesday 13th November and will commence exams on Friday 15th November. 


I look forward to seeing you all at the College Art and Tech Evening next Thursday. 


Enjoy the extra long weekend this week and we look forward to welcoming all students back next Wednesday 6th November. 

Sonia Goodacre 

Head of Secondary Years