This fortnight we have begun looking at some of the major things we will be learning this term. We have begun a whole class novel study on the book James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. We have enjoyed looking at the fascinating vocabulary words he uses, making predictions and connecting to the text. We will continue to read this book throughout the term and finish off with the movie!
In religion we have been learning about the sacraments and the fruit of the spirit. We have enjoyed looking at the 9 fruits of the spirits and discussing where we see and feel them in our every day life. We have also discussed how we can use these gifts from God on other people. The fruits of the spirit are…
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self control
Recently the school has bought a variety of Indigenous objects, mostly made by Indigenous people around our area. As a class we have been investigating these items and learning about them in a yarning circle. Our favourite item by far has been the marn-grook. We have loved playing marn-grook during sport time, absolutely everyone has enjoyed the game which is a bit of a win!
After returning from camp we have made some newspaper recounts… Everyone did a great job writing down their highlights from the camp!