CSPS Parents' Association News
Major Fundraiser Update
It has been an amazing start to Term 3 and our major fundraiser. CSPS families were asked to dig deep and help us reach our goal of $40,000 and unbelievably, we are nearly there. As of 9am Friday morning the CSPS community has raised an incredible $35,349.18! We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of you who have raised money to support upgrading our senior playground. It looks as though we will be able to create a wonderful space for the children for years to come.
It hasn't just been about the money though - our Friday afternoons have become a talking point as some of our (un)lucky teachers find themselves covered in slime. A big shout out to the following teachers for giving us such joy before the weekend:
Corey Posner (3D)
Celeste Oosthuizen (4C)
Deb Donoghue (1B)
Jesse O'Grady (5A)
Locky Simpson (4A)
Prue Reynolds (Prep B)
Nat Sochen (2A)
Nicole Silpert (4B)
It hasn't just been the teachers involved on Friday afternoon - our kids have been more than happy to pour the slime over their teachers. Big thanks to the following students for their help:
Sonny S (1C)
Zac Barokas (1A)
Leo C (Prep A)
Harlow F (1A),
Isabelle O (4B)
Raphi S (4C)
Tilly O (6B)
Alex R (6A
Freya H (6A)
Josh M (4C)
Mari K (3C)
Limai S (4B)
As an extra special incentive, all children who had raised any amount of money by 9am Friday, Week 3, were eligible to go into the draw for a mystery prize. The lucky winner was Anastasiia A (3D).
There are still two weeks of fundraising left and what an achievement it would be if we not only reached our goal, but surpassed it. If you have not yet had a chance to log on and start adding funds into your child's profile, these final two weeks are a great time to do it.
Splash and Dash Colour Run
To celebrate the wonderful school spirit and achievements of the children over this fundraising period, we are holding a Splash and Dash Colour Run on Friday 8 November. This event will be held at school and the course will also include the grassed area on Marara Road. This larger course will allow for lots of fun - bubbles, super-soakers and of course, colour powder. A letter with all the details will be provided in the coming days, but now is the time to make sure your children have a white t-shirt, eye protection (sunglasses/goggles etc.) and shorts and runners that are able to get very wet and very messy!
Volunteers Needed
Colour won't throw itself, so if you would like to help us make the afternoon a success, we will need volunteers for the following roles.
- Course set up
- Colour throwing and course clean up
- Super soakers and course clean up
Selling drink cans/chips (you will need to sign the EFTPOS agreement)
Please email Melinda Reid by Friday 1st November if you would like to help on the day: melindareid01@gmail.com.
PA Meetings
The dates for the PA Meetings for the rest of the year are as follows:
Wednesday 6th November
Wednesday 11th December.
These meetings commence at 7:45pm and are held at the School.
Volunteer WhatsApp Group
If you would like to vounteer to help with any future PA Events please join the Whatsapp Group and there will be further communications there.
CSPS Parents Association