Education in Faith

Michela Vella

November – Month of Remembrance

November, the Month of Remembrance, is a time to honor and reflect on those who have passed away, cherishing their impact on our lives. In this season, we especially remember loved ones and the saints who inspire us with their lives of faith, compassion, and dedication. We celebrate All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, lighting candles and offering prayers for those who have gone before us. It is a season of gratitude, connection, and peaceful reflection, reminding us of the enduring bonds we share with those who are no longer with us.


This Month of Remembrance also honors those lost to war, where countless soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice. Through their suffering and death, they paved the way for future generations to live in freedom and peace. Their legacy urges us to learn from the violence of conflict and to commit ourselves to building a safer, more just world.


During this month, as we recall with love the memories of dear ones who have gone before us, we ask the living God to grace us with an awareness of how blessed we are:


Blessed with their wisdom that guided us

Blessed with their courage that lifted us

Blessed with their generosity that filled us 

Blessed with their love that formed us.


We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. 


Middle Level Class Participation in Mass

We are proud of our Grade 3/4 students for deepening their faith and strengthening their partnership with our Parish. Last week, 3/4 GO led the Mass, and this week, 3/4 FO followed with a beautiful celebration. We are especially grateful to the families who came along to support their children, making this a truly meaningful experience. Afterward, students and families enjoyed a lovely morning tea together.


Michela Vella 

Religious Leader