Religious Education News

Mission Day
Tomorrow we look forward to celebrating our annual Mission Day. The children have worked hard within their classes to develop their understanding of how we use Mission Day as a way to support Social Justice within our school by raising funds for Catholic Missions. A big part of our Catholic Identity at St. Mary's is living a life modelled on Jesus and his care for others. While this may appear to be just a fun day, the meaning and the lessons within it are a valuable part of our community of St Mary's and how we can care for our global neighbours. Parents are more than welcome to come to Prayer Gathering and during the stalls to help support the children. Please send coins with your children rather than notes as this will be easier for stall holders to manage. Next newsletter we will be able to announce how much money was raised. Thank you parents for your support of this important project.
Prayer Gathering Roster Term 4
Please note change for Year 2 Prayer Gathering to Thursday due to P-4 Activity Day on 22/11.
25/10 | 6 Jess |
1/11 | Year 5 |
8/11 | Year 4 |
15/11 | Year 3 |
21/11 (Thursday) | Year 2 |
29/11 | Year 1 |
6/12 | Year Prep |
11/12 (Wednesday) | End of year Liturgy and Graduation |
Jayne Brumby
Religious Education Leader