Classroom News

This week we have continued working very hard! In Literacy we have been introduced to some new heart words and have continued to practise our new rules in our sentence for the week. We really enjoyed reading our story and writing our sentence about ‘The Big Wind Day’!
We are wrapping up our Measurement unit this week, we have learnt to compare; tall and short, heavy and light and big and small. We were even able to order things from tallest to shortest and biggest to smallest!
In Religion this term, we have started a new unit on ‘Joy’. We are going to look at things that are special/sacred to us and that bring us joy. We will also learn about the Christmas story in the Bible and compare that story to other stories that we have read in the Bible.
In GEM time, we have continued our unit of kindness. We explored and shared times that we have been kind to others and times with others have been kind to us. We love the song ‘K is for Kindness’ and we listen to this at the start of every GEM session that is about kindness.
This Friday we have our annual ‘Mission Day’. This is a fabulous day spent raising money for Catholic Missions. Students in grades 3 - 6 have spent time organising stalls to run between 12 and 1 on Friday, everyone is welcome to join us between these times to check out the stalls. Students are able to purchase things from these stalls with the cost of stalls ranging between 20c and $2.
It would be very appreciated if sunscreen could be applied at home, so that we only need to reapply once during the day. If your child requires their own sunscreen, please provide this to your classroom teacher.
Here’s what the Preps had to say this week!
“I loved practising for our Prayer Gathering! ” - Logan Marriner
“I like learning my numbers, my favourite number is 1! ” - Permaan Gual
“I liked making a jar in Art and practising my handwriting ” - Archer Bennett
“I have liked playing outside in the sun and building a tower in DDT! ” - Thea Gardiner
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
The Year 1 and 2 classrooms have been filled with excitement this week, in the lead up to some very special upcoming events. It has been wonderful to see our students working hard, enjoying the sunshine and achieving many of their learning goals as we head further into Term 4. We can hardly believe how quickly this term is flying!
As we are starting to see some consistency in our beautiful sunny weather, we'd like to remind families to make sure that their child has their hat, applies sunscreen in the morning prior to school and if they require their own sensitive skin sunscreen, to bring that to school in their school bag. A large tub of sunscreen will be provided for whole class use at both breaks.
WE ARE SLEEPING AT SCHOOL TONIGHT AND WE ARE SO EXCITED! The Year 2 students will return to school tonight at 4:15pm, head to bowling at 4:45, enjoy pizza for dinner at 6:30pm and watch a movie in bed from 7pm! Parents are welcome to call in at any stage on Friday to collect their child's bag and sleeping gear. The students are all ready to go and we can't wait to share in this special, first-time experience with them.
This Friday we will have our Mission Day stalls. The day will begin with Prayer Gathering at 9am, followed by a staff vs Year 6 game of handball and fun food. The Mission Day stalls will begin at 12noon until around 1:30pm. We will have an assembly in the afternoon.
The Year 1 students also have Prep/One fun night to look forward to. The staff involved are busy planning some amazing activities and can't wait to share in the fun. This will be held at school on Wednesday 20th November.
We are also currently planning our Year 1 and 2 'Get Active In Colac' excursion. Students can look forward to a visit to One Movement, Shae'k'it Studios, local playground and yoga lead by 'Kids That Grow' in the gardens on the day. This will be held on Thursday 28th November.
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
How can it already be Week 3 in Term 4? This Year is flying by but we are so excited for the fun Term ahead!
In Year 4, we have been exploring different visual literacy techniques and have started our new class novel, ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. In Maths we have been continuing our unit on decimals, looking at tenths and hundredths.
In Year 3, we started a literacy unit based on the book ‘The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore’ by W.E. Joyce. In Maths, we are finishing our fractions unit of work.
Both year levels enjoyed their first swimming lesson for the Term. We look forward to continuing these lessons for the next 5 weeks. We are also super excited about Mission Day tomorrow! Both year levels have been working hard to organise their stalls. We welcome families to attend and help us raise money for Catholic Mission.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
In Literacy, our study of The Black Cockatoo and The Last Bear will continue for the next few weeks. In Maths, the grade 5’s have started their unit on ‘Time’ and grade 6’s are beginning ‘Chance.’ Swimming commences today, so don’t forget to unpack the wet togs at the end of the day 🙂
In our latest updates, we’re thrilled to report that all students exhibited fantastic behavior during grade 6 camp, earning high praise from staff. From all reports, everyone had a fabulous time.
Excitement is building for our annual Mission Day, with students putting a lot of thought into their stalls for a successful event. More information will be posted on DOJO if parents are interested in attending.
The much-anticipated 6’s vs Teachers match will also be held on Friday morning at 10am, with both groups eagerly looking forward to the friendly competition.
Additionally, we invite everyone to join Jade and Rachel for their Prayer Gathering next Friday at 9am.
Lastly, congratulations to our girls’ and boys’ basketball teams for advancing to the next stage of competition; they will face off against other regional schools next Thursday. Go teams!
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter