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Westall Secondary College Badminton Tournament Highlights
Our students at Westall Secondary College shone brightly in this year’s Badminton Tournament, with outstanding performances across all divisions. Here are the fantastic achievements by our dedicated players:
Boys’ Division
· 1st Place (Champion): Hendrix Truong (Year 9)
· 2nd Place: Tony Truong (Year 9)
· 3rd Place: Roni Truong (Year 12)
· 1st Place: Joey Xu (Year 10) & Kevin Zhu (Year 10)
· 2nd Place: Danny Truong (Year 8) & Ryan Seang (Year 8)
· 3rd Place (Shared): Tony Pham (Year 7) & Soksamnang Somorn (Year 7)
· 3rd Place (Shared): Ibrahim Abdurrahman (Year 7)
Girls’ Division Singles
· 1st Place (Champion): Khushi Pokar (Year 10)
· 2nd Place: Havya Patel (Year 8)
· 3rd Place: Sofia Ho (Year 9)
· 1st Place: Khushi Pokar (Year 10) & Sofia Ho (Year 10)
· 2nd Place: Tran Phuong Linh (Year 10) & Sofia Ho (Year 10)
· 3rd Place: Hadia Rahimi (Year 8) & Havya Patel (Year 8)
Congratulations to all our players for their hard work and sportsmanship! A special shoutout to our champions, Hendrix Truong and Khushi Pokar, for leading the way in their respective divisions. Westall is proud of your achievements and the dedication you’ve shown throughout the tournament!
Mr Kevin Phan
Classroom Teacher