Aboriginal and Torres Strait I slander Program

The Koorie Coordinator's Report

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program

This term, students went on multiple excursions that allowed them to connect with and care for Country. Under the guidance of Aunty Sharna, our students embarked on a meaningful journey to the Aurora Treatment Plant. This unique experience aimed to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for culture, the environment, and the importance of preserving our natural heritage. 

The Nugal Biik Rangers Program included the following activities:


Smoking Ceremony: 

A local Elder conducted a traditional smoking ceremony, allowing the students to engage in a sacred practice that holds deep cultural significance. The ceremony aimed to cleanse and purify the participants, fostering a sense of respect for the land and its history.




Exploration of Scar Trees: 

Together with Reservoir East Primary mini rangers, they discovered and learned about scar trees, connecting with the ancient stories embedded in these culturally significant markers.


Aboriginal Artifacts Education: In a hands-on session, students had the opportunity to handle and learn about various Aboriginal artifacts. Aunty Sharna shared stories and insights, providing context to each item and its role in Indigenous culture.


Native Plant Cultivation: As part of the effort to care for Country, students actively participated in cultivating native plants. Aunty Sharna shared her knowledge about the importance of preserving native flora and its role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.


We extend our sincere thanks to Aunty Sharna for generously sharing her time, knowledge, and wisdom. This experience would not have been possible without her guidance and the collaboration with the Reservoir East Primary mini rangers. 



Kindest regards, 

Stephanie Swain


Koorie Coordinator & Year 9 Coordinator