Wellbeing News  

Welcome to Lia Caelli 

Introducing Lia from LYFT

Introducing Lia Caelli as part of a program called LYFT (Linking Youth to Foundation Training), which is a pilot program funded by PRACE and the Reservoir Revitalisation Board. 

The aim of Lia's role is to support students who are at risk of or are disengaging from school for various reasons. Lia works with both the Wellbeing & Careers teams, and can take referrals from any concerned staff. Students and their parents/guardians must sign on to the LYFT program before Lia can support them. If you have a student you want Lia to chat to, feel free to email her on lcaelli@prace.vic.edu.au.  


Welcome and thank you, Lia, for your fantastic support and work at RHS so far!