P&C News

Uniform Shop News
School Holiday Uniform Orders
All uniform orders placed during school holiday will be delivered to your child/ren’s classroom on Monday 9th October.
Uniform Shop Trading Hours for Term 4
Wednesday 11 Oct 8:30am-9:15am
Thursday 2 Nov 2:30pm-3:15pm
Uniform Shop Parent Volunteers
Uniform Shop heavily rely on the help of parent volunteers to make everything run smoothly, please email roseleauniformshop@gmail.com if you can spare an hour or 2 to help at the uniform shop.
Weekly uniform order procedures
Uniform items can be ordered via Qkr!,
Qkr! Orders cut off every Tuesday at 10pm, and online orders will deliver to your child/ren’s classroom every Thursday/ Friday.
All exchanges or order refunds will be processed via the school office, but please email roseleauniformshop@gmail.com before you leave your orders with the school office. All other questions, please email us and we will respond as soon as we can.
P&C Trivia Night
Dear Parents and Carers,
The Roselea P&C would like to thank the school community for supporting the recent trivia night. Almost 100 people attended the event. There were lots of tricky questions, games and prizes, as well as lots of laughs. Thank you for your kind donations. Your ongoing support of the P&C and Roselea PS is much appreciated.
Roselea P&C