Principal's Message

Mrs Belinda Hall - Relieving Principal


We hope you have a relaxing holiday after a rather busy term. A reminder that students return on Monday 9 October as there is no staff development day at the start of next term.


Term reflection

As we near the end of another term, it is a great opportunity to reflect on all the events and achievements throughout the term.


Our Kindergarten students celebrated 100 days of school early in the term. This milestone reflected the hard work and progress they have made throughout the year. Listening to the students read, it is clear how they far they have come in developing their knowledge of letters and sounds through the InitiaLit program. To prepare another cohort of students for their educational journey at Roselea, we began our 2024 Kindergarten transition program. It was fantastic to meet so many new parents and students and I look forward to the next session on October 17.


Year 1 and 2 students have been developing a deeper understanding of the new syllabus. They have been consolidating their phonics knowledge to improve their spelling and increase their reading fluency through the InitiaLit program. A highlight for this term was the excursion to Buffalo Creek Reserve. Students enjoyed a relaxing bushwalk, followed by an exploration of insects in their natural bushland environment. 


Stage 2 students proudly represented the school in PSSA for the first time this year. The winter season has ended and the summer competition recommenced last week. The improvement in their skills has been inspiring. They consistently display teamwork and sportsmanship, encouraging and supporting each other.


Stage 3 students had an exceptionally busy term. Displaying their leadership skills through the Peer Support program and enjoying a plethora of activities at the Great Aussie Bush Camp were a couple of the highlights. The positivity and enthusiasm of this cohort is infectious and admirable. Students have also participated in the PASS program, the start of the transition program to prepare for high school. More activities will take place next term to ensure our Year 6 students are ready for the next phase of schooling.


As a staff, we have focused on peer and teacher feedback, as well as increased differentiation. In mathematics for example, students are being challenged to work mathematically and transfer their understanding to different types of questions, providing reasoning to support their answer. We are also busy preparing for the implementation of the new syllabus in Years 3-6 next year.



At this time of year, the weather tends to change rapidly. Students can wear either summer or winter uniform this week and transition into summer uniform when they return from holidays. This is a great time to check all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name as they can tend to fade over time.


Principal’s Morning Tea

This Wednesday, students who received a Principal’s Award will be attending a morning tea. It is an excellent opportunity to commend students on their diligence as they aspire to do their best. I am looking forward to spending time congratulating these students.


Principal Awards

Principal Bronze Awards