Parents & Friends News

Hi all,
Hope you all enjoyed the break as much as Alyssa and I did.
We ended the Term off with the Year 2’s Cake Stall, what a fabulous job they did. Thanks to Joyce, Luke, Teresa, Liz and our junior bakers Alyssa, Polly, Amelia, Francesca, and Max who served up all their sweets. And we definitely had the sunshine on our side.
We have a very busy few months ahead starting off with our Prep and Year 1 Cake Stall Monday 9 October 2023 at 3:15pm until 3:45pm so bring along your loose change for some yummy treats.
We will be opening the Stay, Play & Chat room up next Tuesday 10 October 2023 at 8:45am until 9:30am as it will be Prep Orientation Day and it would be a great way to introduce the new parents to our community, so if you are free come along for a coffee/tea or just to say hello.
Our Second-hand Uniform Shop will be opened from 3:30pm until 4pm on Wednesday 11 October 2023 and will be a great opportunity to stock up on your Summer Uniforms.
On Saturday 14 October 2023 we have the privilege to host the election Referendum Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall so if you can help out on the day, please let your Class Representatives know. We are looking for helpers from 7am until about 3pm, even if it’s only for 20 minutes. Or if you are up to just baking that would be just as amazing. All baked goods are to be left in the office on Friday 13 October 2023.
I'm getting very excited about our Major Fundraiser event this year, our school FETE to be held Saturday 18 November 2023, which is fast approaching. We are calling out for volunteers to help on the day between the hours of 9am - 5:30pm. Any help would be appreciated. If you can assist please indicate here:
We would also welcome any type of donations, whether it be a donation, voucher, sponsors or prizes for our Lucky Dip, or for the games that we are offering on the day. They can be anything from a small toy, fidgets, hot wheel cars etc. Thank you for those who have already donated we really appreciated it.
Cash or business donations can be indicated here:
Lastly I'm looking forward to this Friday’s Colour Explosion, hopefully the weather is on our side and the kids have a fabulous time..
On behalf of the P&F have a wonderful weekend.