From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear Families


A very warm welcome back to the final Term of 2023.  It was wonderful seeing everyone on Monday morning and hearing all the exciting holiday news. All the children seem to have grown taller and it is great to see how comfortable and confident our Prep students are! 


Congratulations to all of our Collingwood supporters and a big shout out to our Lions fans as it was such a tightly contested Grand Final match and could have gone either way. Graciously I must also congratulate the Blues for their win over the Dees on the last Friday of Term…..



On the night after our production several Year 6 students celebrated their Sacrament of Confirmation prayerfully and respectfully. Thank you to Ms Earle, Miss Denise and Father Jerome  for their preparation. We also thank the staff for supporting the students and their families. It was an extra special night for Matilda who also celebrated her Sacrament of Eucharist. 



This evening our Year 3 students commence their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, with our Family Faith Night.  On Sunday we look forward to celebrating the 5:30pm Mass with the candidates and their families, as they prepare for the Sacrament.  We thank Ms Earle, Miss Paula, Mr Speranza and Father Jerome for their support. 


Celebrating Pirates Past Noon 

It seems a while ago now, but the community continues to celebrate Pirates Past Noon. Congratulations to everyone for our amazing production.  Ms Earle led the community and gave each of our students wonderful opportunities to go out of their comfort zone, work hard and achieve success!  Over the holidays I watched the draft recording and it brought joy to my day and the songs are still in my head.  Every time I saw seagulls over the holidays, I thought of our Year 3 students.  Please come into the foyer and enjoy the photos. I highly recommend ordering a video and you can enjoy the show again and again.  I was immensely proud of our community and look forward to an amazing Art Show next year!


Footy Day

A huge thank you to Mr Speranza and our Year 6 students for leading our fun activity filled Footy Day.  It was great having some staff and parent sporting challenges as well. Parading around whilst belting out your club song is always so much fun on the last day of Term. 


Welcoming our 2024 Prep Families 

On Tuesday evening we welcomed our 2024 Prep families to St Mary’s Primary School. An informative and engaging night was had by all.  Many hands go into supporting this evening.  We thank Mrs Borgese, our Leadership Team;  Mr Speranza, Mrs Mason and Mrs Le Hunt, Louisa and Kasia from the P & F, Bec, Danni and Melanie our Prep class reps and parents.  A highlight was hearing from our Year 6 Community Leaders; Matilda, Josie, Chris and Anthony.  Each shared with us their fondest memories over their years at school.  Highlights included playing sport, Pirates Past Noon, the sense of community with students, teachers and parents and school camps.  Whilst each camp was loved, the most memorable camp was the one held online during COVID.  Pizza making, hot chocolates and sleeping out in everyone's own lounge room was right up there!

Holiday Creation

What a treat when Fernando, a current Prep student, visited me to share his holiday creations.  It is always quite extraordinary the progress students make in their first year of school. 


Stay, Chat and Play 

Now that the weather is warming up, please join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:00am to have a play and coffee. A few of our 2024 families are also going to join us. We have some great play equipment in the Community Room and it should be warm enough to play in the sandpit. 



We are excited about our Colour Explosion in Alma Park tomorrow afternoon.  Please join in the fun at 2pm.  Old clothes are a must!  Thank you to those families who have raised money towards our major landscaping project.   Anthony, Heinz and I are working with Paul Pritchard to design the area near the side gate, the metal vertical wall in the Zen Zone, the concrete steps and the area behind the Adventure Playground.  We hope to have photos to share with you soon. 



Father Jerome has kindly let us have a Sausage Sizzle on the Referendum Saturday of the 14th October, with all proceeds going towards the project. Please vote in our Parish Hall and then have a sausage afterwards. 


School Fete

Our upcoming School Fete on Saturday 18th November is also going towards this major project. Next year will see us having some working bees to plant and enact these designs. Our maintenance officer Steve will also help with the fixtures and attaching recycled benches, in these areas. It is an exciting undertaking and one that we will all receive the benefits of. 







Prayers for the family of Mr Terry Blizzard - Principal of St Mary’s College 

Please keep Mr Terry Blizzard and his family in your prayers. Sadly his wife Sue passed away last week. Father Jerome and I will be attending her funeral this Friday. Terry was so welcoming when I started my principalship and created so many opportunities for our students using many of the St Mary’s College resources. In the busyness of the school year, Terry would send texts such as wishing the Prep’s a great first day of school and often checked in on me as we juggled the major refurbishment and COVID.  He resigned at the end of Term 2 to look after his wife who had become unwell.  

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

May almighty God bless us with his peace and strength, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Summer Uniform is to be worn this Term.  As we are a Sunsmart School – Hats are

compulsory in Term 4.  Only the school hat is to be worn.  These are available at Primary School Wear (Ormond).  


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari