Dear Families and Friends,
Welcome to Term Four. It is hard to believe how quickly the year has gone, time flies when you're having fun! This term promises to be a great term filled with many exciting learning opportunities for students. Next week on Friday afternoon, our students commence their Community Time Electives. Each teacher has nominated a passion and students have selected what they would like to learn.
School Improvements
Over the school holidays we had many improvements and updates completed at school. The external panels on the Padua Building have all been painted in school colours and lights in the Soli Deo Building have been updated to LED power saving lights.
In our Community Garden the back fence has been painted and the garden beds are flourishing.
Leaving St Anthony's
This term we will be working on finalising classes for 2024, if your family is leaving St Anthony's at the end of the year please contact the office.
Summer Uniform for Term 4
Term 4 sees warmer weather; students are to wear their summer uniforms from Week 1 of next term. We ask that students do not wear legging or tights under their dresses, instead we invite students to wear shorts underneath. Please also ensure that students have their St Anthony's school hat at school as they will need to wear them every break time when the UV rays are 4 or above.
Prep 2024 Parent Information Evening
This week we welcomed our 2024 Prep parents. It was a wonderful to meet everyone and allow them time to know each other. As part of our prayer for the evening parents used playdough to sculpt their hopes and dreams for their child, we have some very artistic parents!
Bible and PJ Night
Next Tuesday, between 5.30pm and 6.30pm, we have Bible and PJ Night for our Prep to Year 2 students. We invite students and their families to come along and to wear their PJs. 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Erin Nagel
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