Joeys Yarning Space

We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians,
past and present of this land of the Anaiwan, Banbai, Dunghutti,
Jukambal, Kambuwal, Weraerai, Kamilaroi, Ngoorabul and Gumbaynggirr as acknowledged by Armidale Lands Council, people who long before us lived,
loved and raised their children on this land.
We also acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
in our community and acknowledge their deep physical
and spiritual connections to the land.
Yaama Ganu, as we reach the end of another great term, I would like to share with you some great achievements your gaayli have accomplished this term.
Language- Each and every child has had the opportunity to learn and partake in Gamilaraay language lessons. This term we focused on Bana (body) and Gagan (colour), the children learnt this through talking, singing and making.
We spoke language together, we sang songs in language, they even learnt the art of weaving, along with the auslan signs for each gagan!
A special mention must go to Emmah and Filippa who both achieved an amazing result of 10/10 on their language assessment! Gaba Waan Miyay- Good work Girls.
We have many exciting things planned for term 4, with the completion of our yarning space and extending on our language journey together.
I am also seeking interested members to help form our own community AECG- Aboriginal education consultative Group- Please contact me via the school or email at
I hope you all have a safe and relaxing break and I can’t wait for all the new adventures term 4 will bring us!
Gaba Nginda
Mrs. Whalan