Principal's News

Hello families,
I welcome you to our final mid term holidays for 2023. What an amazing year and term we have had with attendance rates increasing. Unfortunately during term 2 we had many factors that affected our overall enrolments but with a reinvigorated effort from all students and families there has been exceptional improvement this term. Well done.
Every child is entitled to an education where attendance shouldn't be a factor however there are always personal and family circumstances that are taken into consideration. I would encourage you to contact the office to organise a time to discuss any attendance matters with Mr Mills if necessary.
I wanted to make a special mention to a few students who over the year have had some amazing attendance.
For 100% in any term this year so far: Emmah Rose, Merrick and Hunter Larvay.
For 90% or above in any term this year: Isabel Woollett, Matilda and Filippa Caslick, Mackenzie Perrett, Chayse Wadley, Alexia-Faith Turvey, Hallie Wilson, Eva Hodgkinson, Elijah Spears, Isaac Moore, Lauren Bates.
What an amazing effort so far this year. Well done to all students and families for your commitment to your children's education.
Enjoy your holidays and let's keep this same enthusiasm going into our last term of the year.
Mathew Mills