Foundation Steiner–Celebrating Learning

Welcome back to term 4!
It has been a joy to see how much the preps have grown up and learnt so far this year. Term four is a great time to continue and consolidate all the learning we have done.
We are continuing learning the alphabet through different narratives, but many children now have such a great alphabet knowledge that they are writing words and sentences. We are also reading everyday, putting together all our alphabet and decoding knowledge.
In maths this term we are having a big tilt towards problem solving. It has been great to see the kids apply their number knowledge to worded problems, this has come with a lot of struggle, which we are celebrating as deep learning!
We are also prioritising morning circle and inside/outside play as these are fundamental parts of the day to build memory, class cohesion and joy!!!
Because its term 4 hats are compulsory in order to play in the sun.
Thanks and have a great week!
Lucy and Mirella.