
Allied Health
If you are organising for your child to meet with an Allied Health professional (OT, Speech therapist) during school hours at the school, please organise this with the admin team before the day of the appointment. There is an induction process that needs to be followed by the health professionals and their organisations.
You will all have noticed the bank of portable toilets in the yard which are to replace the student toilets while they’re currently being renovated.
We understand that portable toilets are not always the most ideal, however, we need to ‘make do’ with them until our nice new toilets are ready for use (hopefully mid-November).
We want to assure you that we are doing our absolute best to keep them clean and tidy. However, despite our best efforts, we have been experiencing many issues. We would like families to speak to students about some of the things they can do to keep them as nice as possible, these include:-
- making sure used paper is put into the bowl, and the toilet is flushed
- not putting whole toilet rolls into the bowl which will cause blockages
- not taking food into the toilet
- toilets are not an appropriate place for playing
Thank you for your assistance with this.
Staff Toilets
This is a little related to the above, but we just want to give a reminder that while staff are happy sharing spaces with students around the school, the one place they are uncomfortable sharing with them is the staff toilets.
Adults may use the staff toilets if needed, however, please be mindful that most staff have limited time to access them so please try to avoid them between 8:45am - 9:00am (before class) and 3:30 – 3:45pm (after class, but before meetings), and any time just before recess and/or lunch.
SMS – Absence messages & Late arrivals
If students are late to school and not signed in, you will likely receive a message after 10:30am to report they are absent. To save time and worry, please remember that if your child/ren arrive after 9:00am, they need to be signed in on the Compass Kiosk (located on the counter at the office). Many of the students know how to do this themselves so please remind them to, or if you are dropping off, can you please sign in for them. The admin staff can sign them in if needed.
Compass Posts – Staff and Parents/Carers
With so many things happening at the school, we are experiencing many requests to put Compass posts up. Compass is a great tool for communicating however, I think we would all agree that at times, there are just too many. To try to counter how many posts are sent out, we are proposing that we trial having two main posts per week. One on Monday “This week @ TPS” and another for reminders on Friday.
If you need to post information about any event or other, please send your “This week at TPS” post to the school by the Friday prior to & use This week at TPS in the subject line. If you need a reminder post, please also send to the school email by Thursday.