Year 3/4–Celebrating Learning

In Term 4, the grade 3/4 students will be investigating movement and building structures. So far, we have constructed a zipline cage for a Lego Minifigure to travel from one side of the room to the other. Students really enjoyed working in groups to build their structures and it was very exciting to test them all out! Some didn’t quite make it, but we were able to learn about what elements might have made them work or not. For example, they might have been too heavy or not balanced.
In Maths we are starting to look at fractions in our number unit, and volume and capacity as our applied unit. The 3/4s have been exploring fractions through problem solving and using materials to represent sharing pizzas or we can use pattern blocks and shapes to make different fractions. Students have also been researching the difference between volume and capacity and how they relate to one another!
In Reading, students are developing their skills in summarising and note-taking. Some of our tasks so far have included watching an episode of Bluey and trying to identify the main events before writing up our own summary.
In Writing, the grade 3/4s have been learning about dialogue and paragraphs. This is a skill that all good writers need to develop, so we have been practising using meaningful dialogue and making sure we go to the next line and start a new paragraph for each new speaker in our narratives.