Kookaburras with Miss Kemp

2023 has been an incredibly busy year filled with outstanding learning, fun excursions and exciting extra curricular activities. 


To kick off Term 3, our wonderful Kindergarten students celebrated their 100 Days of Learning! It was such a beautiful day recognising their enormous achievement. They shared a poem to the whole school and got to dress up as 100 year-olds! 

We then participated in the Book Week Parade! It was an exciting day getting dressed up as our favourite book character. 

The Kindergarten students headed off to Mt Keira Scout Camp for a Teddy Bears' Picnic. We loved learning about nature and the environment with our awesome leaders Nicki and Will!

The Year 1 students were lucky enough to visit The Illawarra Environmental Centre at Killalea. Students were immersed in rich learning about the features, habitats and interactions of living things. We were even lucky enough to view and touch many animals from Taronga's Zoomobile!

Together, we all ventured off to the Shellharbour Library for our final excursion for the year. We explored the Museum and got to see some behind the scenes action on how to borrow and return books in the Library. 

We were introduced to Talk for Writing which was a big success in the K/1 Kookaburras. We learned three new texts; The Papaya That Spoke, Boombox and Elves Are NOT To Blame! We especially loved performing our story to Mr Murat Dizdar when he came to visit! 


Other big highlights for the K/1 Kookaburras include the Colour Fun Run, Disco and an incursion visit to Matilda's Farm!


I am so extremely proud of each and every one of the Kookaburras this year! I will miss you all enormously and have no doubt you will all go on to do wonderful things.  


Thank you to the incredible students, staff, parents and carers and wider community for welcoming me into Windang Public School. I have loved being apart of the teaching and learning for the past two years. I am very excited to be returning to home in South Australia and starting a new chapter with a baby on the way. I'm looking forward to seeing wonderful updates on the Windang Facebook page!


Miss Kemp.