Community Contribution Award

The Outstanding Community Contribution Award for 2023 recipient is Lisa Bassingwaithe, P&C President!


The school’s Outstanding Community Contribution Award is one of three prestigious awards presented to a recipient who has consistently over a sustained period of time contributed towards our school community.

It’s always extremely difficult to only choose one recipient as there are many volunteers who regularly support our school. Thus the importance of the selection criteria which emphasises, current contribution towards our school and community.


This year’s recipient has been an instrumental member of the school’s P&C for 12 years. She has held various positions on the P&C from a volunteer, Treasurer, Member to President.


Her efforts in initiating, leading and coordinating various fundraisers, from the exhilarating colour fun run to the lively discos, pie drives, and BBQs, have not only brought our community together but also raised significant funds for our school.


Furthermore, her invaluable contribution as a member of numerous staff recruitment panels has played a crucial role in ensuring that our school has the best educators and staff members.


Lastly, we cannot forget to mention her enormous effort in rallying over 20 businesses to change their social profiles, all in the pursuit of winning the WAVE FM 'School of the Year' competition. Her determination along with several other P&C members was truly impressive, and the impact of their efforts on our school's reputation and recognition cannot be overstated.


This year’s Outstanding Community Contribution Award recipient is of course Lisa Bassingwaithe-Fogarty.


Lisa, your 12 years of service to our school community have made a lasting impact on the lives of countless students, parents, and staff members. Your dedication, passion, and leadership have been truly inspiring, and we are incredibly grateful for everything you have done.


Thank you once again for your unwavering commitment and for being an outstanding role model for us all.


Mrs Loreta Kocovska


Windang Public School