Office News

It has been a fantastic year in the office at Windang Public School! We had the privilege of the valuable skills of Karen Gillespie while Tracy Carroll was on her Semester One adventures. We also had the amazing Tara Hesse part-time. It was a fabulous team to work with! Sadly, Tara will not be with us in 2024 but we wish her all the success and joy in her future endeavours! 


Thank you for all of your incredible support and patience in the transitioning to our new Finance and Event Management platform, School Bytes. It went ahead seamlessly. This would not have happened without the families willingness to accept the change and come on board.


The office staff of Windang Public School would like to farewell all the 2023 Year 6 students along with some of the families that have been at Windang Public School for many years. We would also like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a safe and fun holiday season!