
End of Year Library Wrap Up!

2023 has been another very busy year in the library. There has been fantastic borrowing right across all year levels and as always it is rewarding to see our young Kindergarten students grow as readers during the year. We wish our Year 6 students all the best with their studies at High School and hope they will continue to read quality literature throughout their school life and beyond.



Book Week was a big success with the theme “READ, GROW, INSPIRE”. This year we celebrated book week with a character parade, author talks, and buddy reading. Our students loved spending time reading quality literature with students from across the school. From Kindergarten to Year 6 including our teachers, the costumes were original, colourful and fun. A big thank you to the teachers who as always get involved in a big way. To all the parents who helped with costumes and Library Leader helpers another big thank you.

Congratulations to our Premier's Reading Challenge award recepients on another year of participation!



A big thank you to Mrs Birchall who has helped out covering a massive number of books this year. Thank you to our Library Leaders who help with the running of the library at our busy lunch and recess times.


A special THANK YOU to our grandparents who came in to help with various activities such as knitting and sewing. 


Thank you to Mrs Thom for her fun and engaging sewing lessons she offered to our students.


Last but not least a BIG thank you to all the families who share books, encourage reading at home and make books and stories part of their family tradition. 

Don’t forget to visit our wonderful council libraries over the Christmas break, they have many wonderful activities on offer. Visit the Shellharbour/Wollongong Council website for more information on what is happening in your local Library.

The Library wishes all our families a safe and happy Christmas holiday and we hope you catch up on all that reading you have been saving up during your busy year. See you in 2024!


Warm regards,

Mrs Ugrinovski