Magpies with Miss Markham

Congratulations to Year 6 on your Graduation!

Congratulations to Year 6 on your Graduation!

On Thursday 7 December, Year 6 were presented with their graduation certificates at the Excellence and Graduation Assembly. We have had a fabulous year working towards our learning goals and the students of 6 Magpies have achieved outstanding results. 

On Thursday night we celebrated Year 6 at the Farewell dinner. We held this at Warilla Bowls and Recreation Club in the Emerald Room and the room looked amazing. Thank you to the parents who came early to help set up for the night. It was a fabulous night with lots of photo fun in the photo booth and dancing up a storm on the dance floor. 


In Term 4, Stage 3 attended Canberra for camp. We visited many of the national museums and buildings and made connections with the learning we had done in class. 


A final message read to the 6 Magpies from Miss Markham at the farewell Dinner.

To the 6 Magpies, 


What a year. It has been a pleasure to watch you learn and grow each and every day, from the first day when you all came into the room and had so many questions about if I was the new Year 6 teacher because I was in the year 6 classroom to filming your thank you messages and watching you walk out of the Excellence Assembly today. 

We have made so many incredible memories. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you and watching you grow into the people you are here tonight. You have shown courage, resilience and determination, you should be incredibly proud of yourselves, I know I am. 

You are about to begin a new chapter of your life, it’s scary, exciting, overwhelming, nerve racking and you are all so ready for this change. My wish for you as you transition into High School is that you always stay true to yourself, learn from your mistakes and show kindness to everyone you meet (including yourself). 

I thank you for all the stories and laughter you have shared with me this year. I feel incredibly lucky to have watched you wrestle with challenging concepts in your learning and being part of the moment when things made sense or finally clicked. Learning about Australia’s connections with other countries and Greek Mythology, watching you make connections during school camp, watching you shine in our music and dance lessons, sweating at our Killalea excursion, the moment we saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, and every single moment of everyday. 

Like we have spoken about in class, the moments of this year have finally come together to create a mosaic of memories. The past 7 years of primary school have led you to this moment right now. Make sure you thank your parents and families for all of their help, and love and support during your time at primary school. Over the next week, thank the fabulous teachers who have been a part of your journey, and thank each other, your peers, for making your time at Windang Public School so special. 

You are about to watch a video with memories from Kindergarten to Year 6. I smiled and laughed and cried as I was putting it together, I hope it brings these emotions for you as well. 

So to end, always remember, from the wise words of Disney ‘there’s just no telling how far you’ll go’ so go out and ‘show yourself, step into your power, grow yourself, into something new’, ‘you are on your way, you can go the distance’.