Meerkats with Mrs Ugrinovski

Meerkats with Mrs Ugrinovski


What an incredible year Meerkats! We did it! I am so honoured I had the opportunity to teach you this year, some of you two years in a row. As I reflect on the year we've had, we have accomplished so much! Our year has been filled with exceptional learning and progress in all Key Learning Areas. Below are only some highlights of our journey together this semester. We have enjoyed numerous excursions, including our spectacular Stage 3 camp in Canberra.

This semester we learnt so many facts during Morning Routine about the world, continents, migrants, refugees and notable Australians, and successfully used this information to create correctly punctuated complex sentences. Well done!

We loved Grandparent's Day once again this year, especially finding out about our grandparents' favourite toys and their school days. Reflecting and conversations around our family tree was a highlight.

Italian with Mrs Marinesi

Italian has been so rewarding this year. We started with not a word of Italian to having dialogues about ourselves; learning how to count, days of the week, families; playing cards; Italian culture and we even presented an Italian Performance for our class assembly. Thank you Mrs Maranesi!


Music with Mark!

We had another fantastic year with Mark, learning about many instruments around the world and having an opportunity to play them. We loved learning about the gramophone record player, transporting us back in time. Thank you Mark!

Congratulations on your achievements Meerkats! Keep up the great work next year and remember, you can achieve anything you set your mind to!


Wishing you all safe and happy holidays! Merry Christmas to you all!

Best Wishes

Mrs U