Hippos with Miss Hawkins 

It has been an incredible year in the 2/3 Hippos! We have been extremely busy with our learning and embracing the vast opportunities offered here at Windang Public Schoo. While of course having lots of fun along the way!


Some highlights of our learning according to our class were short-burst writing - particularly about dragons, learning all about Rio Carnival and the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling Festival in Morning Routine, playing lots and lots of Maths games, and sketching in our art lessons. 

Of course, we also had a lot of fun outside the classroom. We loved dressing up for various mufti days, book week, school discos and pyjama day. We went on various excursions ranging from the Science Centre to the Shellharbour City Library and participated in all three sporting carnivals and various extra activities including the Colour Fun Run (which was definitely a highlight) and a movie afternoon.

Throughout this year every single student has challenged themselves and made leaps in their learning whilst continuing to build relationships and support one another. I am extremely proud of each of them and cannot wait to see their continued success at Windang Public School and beyond!


Well done Hippos, thank you for a wonderful year!


Miss Hawkins