Year 7

Term 4 Learning Report for Year 7

Our wonderful cohort of Year 7's continue to be super busy in their learning. As the term progresses, the CATs (Common Assessment Tasks) will be scheduled in each subject and feedback provided on Compass.  Students and parents can see due dates for these tasks on the timetable in addition to going into the Learning Task tab.  Supporting our Year 7's to keep up with their due dates in the coming weeks would be a great way for parents to be involved in facilitating learning. Many parents report to the Year 7 Team that they find it helpful to check Compass once a week and discuss the upcoming tasks with their child. This direct organisational support and interest has been shown to have a dramatic effect on promoting learning growth.


In addition to classroom teaching, many of our students are engaged with the VHAP Literacy and Numeracy and Quicksmart Literacy and Numeracy programs. Students are extended and supported through these initiatives and we are delighted to see their growth across the year.


Two support options for students I wanted to bring to parents' attention are the Maths Support Group which is on every Tuesday Lunchtime in H1 along with Junior School Support in H9. These spaces are great places to access 1:1 teacher tuition and we encourage students to access these whenever it would be helpful to support their learning, either in a catch-up capacity or to stay on top of the homework demands of their subjects.


Parents are welcome to contact subject teachers or myself anytime if they have any questions about their child’s learning - the easiest way is to email us via Compass.


Michelle Gaudion - Learning Leader




Year 7 Rollerskating

James Rippingale