Year 1/2 News

Sean, Lynda and Jack

Term 4

Term 4 has been progressing smoothly in the Junior year levels. We have been engaged in a lot of interesting and exciting learning activities across the core learning areas of Mathematics, Literacy and Inquiry. 


Our reading has been centered around reading a diverse range of texts to help us tune into new and interesting words. We have been gathering these words and becoming word collectors in our workbooks and sharing them with classroom displays. 










Our writing focus this term is the Persuasive genre, and we have immersed ourselves in understanding and brainstorming the importance of language and perspective. We have also been engaged in classroom discussions, oral presentations and verbal debates. We are going to continue to explore this genre while revisiting the Narrative genre through immersive and visually engaging prompts. 

Mathematics has so far been split into the foci of 3D shape, Capacity and Mass! The students in Years 1 and 2 have continued to develop their understanding of common and less common three-dimensional shapes and have had the opportunity to create a range of these shapes using concrete materials.  The past two weeks have been centered around measuring the capacity of objects and deepening our understanding of what mass is and how we can accurately predict the mass of objects using techniques such as hefting and using pan balances uniform objects as a comparison.

We will also be exploring in depth our own personal stories, and in extension, our families' stories. We have begun this exploration by questioning our parents and family members to gather information and create a simple version of a family tree. We are going to continue to explore our families and hopefully learn more about how our families have changed over the years and see if there are any similarities or interesting connections between us.