Foundation News

Belinda and Manpreet

Animals and Habitats

This term, the Foundation students are learning about "Animals and Habitats”. We have been exploring different types of animals, their features and how those features help them survive in their natural habitat. 


We also learned about the concept of camouflage and the other amazing abilities the animals have. In the classrooms, the students are having deep discussions about the different types of animals, such as animals with fur, feathers, skin, or scales, and are currently building their knowledge about various life cycles.

In previous weeks, the students have been challenged to create one of their favourite animals using recycled material. They have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and have amazed us with their creative thinking and outstanding effort. 

We are looking forward to continuing learning about animals and their habitats in greater detail and cannot wait to go on our excursion to a farm to explore, touch, feel, and pat some real animals😊. 


Well done for such an amazing effort, Rosellas and Kookaburras!