Student Achievements

Robotics Competition - National Level
Rikza Aragio Rahman (3/4A) and Kieva Alezea Rahman (3/4B) have won two robotics competitions at the national level.
In July 2023, Gio and Zea participated in the World Robotics Olympiad (WRO) Australia, which was held in Sydney. For the elementary group, the mission was Marine Life Preservation. Here, students must design, construct, and program an autonomous robot to traverse and solve specific challenges in a field within a set amount of time. Points are scored for completing tasks. Teams are ranked by their points and by the time they take to score them. Out of 30 participants in this age group, Gio and Zea won first place and were entitled to represent Australia in the WRO Final in Panama.
The second competition was Robocup Junior Australia (8-9 October 2023), where Gio and Zea participated in Primary Line Rescue. The robot is following a winding line on a series of tiles to a designated rescue area. On the way, the robot could encounter obstacles, bridges, and shortcut opportunities that will challenge the most intrepid programmer. After negotiating the randomly selected path, the robot arrives at a green-colored area, which indicates a chemical spill. While the clock is still ticking, the robot must find “the victim” before pushing them out of the chemical spill to safety. Out of 25 participants from all over states in Australia, Gio and Zea won first place.
Gio and Zea are passionate robotics students. They have been learning robotics since the age of 4 with the guidance of their father, who is also a robotics teacher.
EMR Primary Track & Field Championships 2023
Elias Kelly (5/6C) represented Clayton North Primary School at the Track & Field Championships on Thursday 19th October, competing against students from schools in the Eastern region. Although he did not finish in the top 3, Elias was in good spirits and displayed the attitude of a true sportsman; he tried his best, giving it all he had, and celebrated the achievement of the students who came out on top. Well done, Elias!