Principal's News

Sue Simadri

Dear Clayton North Primary School Community, 

Welcome to Term 4!


It has been a busy start to the final quarter of the school year, enrolling many new students as well as receiving notifications of a number that will be moving school in 2024. If you are taking your child elsewhere, we are very sorry to see you go. If it has something to do with the school that you are unhappy about, please let us know so that we can address the issues for other students and families. 


We had our first session of the 2024 Foundation transition this week. Fantastic to see the excitement on the children's faces as they engaged in an Art session with Bronwyn! Their parents joined other families for our school assembly.

Thank you to all families who attended our first assembly using the audio-visual upgrade equipment in the Huddle. I hope that you were as impressed as we are with the outcome of this upgrade. We are in a much better position to showcase our talented children, their learning achievements, and the incredible work that their teachers inspire them to do! 


You will have noticed an upgrade of the F-4 playgrounds as well, to make them safer for our children. Student safety and wellbeing are a priority and we will continue to put in place structures and policies to ensure these are addressed to the highest levels.

This leads me to mention the student toilets - these are solely for students to use. I trust that you understand and support the need for this to be a requirement. The disabled toilet is available for use by parents and any family members who drop off and pick up children; please collect a key from the office or ask a nearby staff member to open the door for you.   

Parent Opinion Survey

Thank you to the large number of families who completed the survey last term. The results are overwhelmingly positive in all domains!  The total percentage of positive and neutral responses for individual areas sits between 80 and 100%. It is reassuring to know that parents are generally satisfied with the care and learning opportunities that we offer children.   


However positive the results are, we would be negligent if we do not identify where we can improve. Some of the areas that stand out are: regular and effective communication of student assessment and progress; providing students with adequate academic challenge; and preparing students for secondary school. 


As a whole staff, we will be engaging in discussion this term to set goals for 2024. The results of the Parent Opinion Survey, Staff Survey, and the Attitudes to School Survey, that students have completed, will inform the decisions we make. I strongly believe that the direction we have embarked on, with the Year 5/6 BYOD Program and the Year 3-6 Student Diaries, will greatly support the development of organisation and time management skills, as well as prepare students for secondary school. Detailed information will be forwarded to parents of students in Years 3-6, in due course.  

School Uniform

Thank you to families for supporting the school policy and ensuring your children are attending school in the appropriate gear. It has made a visible difference in the classrooms and the schoolyard. I do want to clarify some expectations: hijabs - plain black or white; tights, if at all worn, should be black, however, the preference is that school pants and the school t-shirt are worn instead. 


Please be aware that we have secondhand uniform at the school, and we can seek assistance through Stae Schools Relief, so please reach out and contact the office or myself. 


It is important that all uniform items are clearly labelled with the child's name so that we can get the items back to them. If your child did not bring back an item of clothing last term, please check the lost property basket outside the Huddle. 


Wish you all a great weekend!

 Sue Simadri