Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 


At this busy time of the year these words may keep us on track. At our Monday morning whole school Advent prayer I started with some examples on how to use these words and the possible positive impact. Fr Joe Taylor has continually reminded us to keep it simple and use these words to guide us along our journey.


The year in photos. I have enjoyed many great moments. The children, staff and families inspire me.


Community Group/Advisory Council

Both groups have been amazing throughout the year. The vision of the people who attend the meetings reminds school leadership to continually review policy. This provides for the best possible education for your children. 

Matt Schroeders handed over the presidency of the Community Group to Sheena Russell. Matt has done an enormous amount or organising and rallying people to help out. He is still actively involved in our community and will be for some time. I don't know if he knows how to slow down.

Sath Saranathan continues to be part of the Advisory Council, but handed over to Cait Alletsee during the year. Sath's knowledge and background has been a great support to the school. He has challenged positive thinking and has promoted St Luke's. I thank him for his support. 


Parent Engagement

Throughout the year you have had many opportunities to visit the school and support your child's journey. We appreciate that while many parents/carers would like to be more involved, work restricts the ability to get to school. There will be ongoing opportunities throughout 2024 and we look forward to seeing you.



As communicated previously, we have some staff leaving.

Tony McDonald - Sacred Heart Tatura in a Religion/Wellbeing leadership role

Alex Wooden - at this stage will travel from easter

Bella Walker - full-time Performing Arts position at Guthrie Street Primary

Breanna Levesque - St Jospeh's Numurkah teacher


Tony has been with us from the start of 2020. For the past two years he has been a wonderful Deputy Principal. He mentored many throughout his time and his love for teaching is always evident. Many people don't see many qualities in people because at times these people do things behind the scenes. Tony is one of these people and puts other people first. He does not ask for accolades or acknowledgement. I want to acknowledge his achievements and support for our school community. 

Bre has been with us for 5 years. She has been a valued Foundation teacher and Unit Leader. She has held the position of Religious Education Leader for 3 years. We hope her time here has prepared her for the next stage of her journey.

Alex Wooden has been with us since 2020 and took one year leave in 2022 to teach in Darwin. We wish her all the best as she embarks on some travel and teaching throughout Australia. We may see Alex as a CRT before she leaves.

Bella Walker joined us in Term 2, 2021 as a classroom teacher. This year she transitioned into two roles, Performing Arts (new option in 2023) and MiHPS (Mental Health in Primary Schools). We thank her for the enthusiasm she shared in each role she took on. She has set a quality base for future Performing Arts programs.


Staffing 2024

We welcome Melissa Hudson to the 3/4 area. Melissa is a parent at St Luke's. She began her teaching in 2006 at Invergordon. In between starting a family she has worked at Guthrie Street since 2009. We welcome back Hannah Forge who will be 2 days a week in 3/4. 

We will continue to recruit one more teacher for the 3/4 area during the holidays.


Principal:David Keenan

Deputy Principals:Jennifer McKillop & Chris Summers

Wellbeing/Learner Inclusion: Donna Allen

Leaders of Learning: Jess Moodie & Eloise Liddell

Specialist teachers: Troy Watts (PE), Jacqui Butler (Creative Arts, Term 1), Alicia Niglia (Language) Performing Arts TBC

Foundation: Jess Moodie, Karina Pigdon (4 days) Meg O'Sullivan (1 day), Lexi Coomans

1/2 Darcie Jondahl, Rosanna Finn, Lijarna Bekirofski, Chelsea Monk

3/4 Grace Maher, Andrew Sait, Melissa Hudson (3 days) & Hannah Forge (2 days) and one TBC

5/6 Eloise Liddell, Connie Austen, Tim Kelly

Administration: Jodi Dudgeon, Karli Heggart

Maintenance: Chris Jones

Learning Support: Mary-Lou Robinson, Jessica Whipps, Nicole Keenan, Naomi Wilson, James Washington, Josh Harrison, Lucy Gallace, Katrina Giuliani, Holly Wright, Marcus Ruggi, Natalie Tsirgianis


Congratulations to a past student, Felix Dom. He was announced as the 2024 School Captain at Goulburn Valley Grammar, Shepparton. 


After School Care

Uniting Care will communicate asap regarding the possibility of a holiday program. 



Monday 29th January - Staff return

Tuesday 30th January - Students start 

5:00pm - Foundation Information Session

6:00pm - 1/2 Information Session

Wednesday 31st January - NO Foundation

Thursday 1st February

5:00pm 3/4 Information Session

6:00pm 5/6 Information Session




Have a safe and holy Christmas.

David Keenan  -  Principal