
"Listen to what the Spirit is saying."

Acknowledgment of Country

We turn our hearts and minds to the people of the Yorta Yorta nation, who have occupied this country for thousands of years. 

We pay respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging, and commit to walking alongside Aboriginal Australians in truth and justice. 

End of Year Mass

Yesterday, we gathered for our End of Year Mass to reflect and celebrate the end of our wonderful school year together and rejoice in our accomplishments throughout the year of 2023.

 What a beautiful celebration it was!

A big thank you to the students and staff of St Luke's for preparing for our special Mass and for the reverent participation throughout.  Thank you to Father Joe and Father Jackson for celebrating and leading us in our Mass. We are fortunate to have two wonderful priests. 

A huge thank you to Ms Walker, Mrs Liddell, Mr Mac and our very talented choir. Thank you for sharing your very special gift with us! 


Oh, how we have grown!

The Parable of the Mustard Seed 

Matthew 13:31-32


He put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”


In this parable we are reminded that mustard seeds are one of the smallest, yet the plant which grows from this seed is one of the largest. 

As another school year comes to a close this parable is a beautiful reminder for us to take a moment and imagine that this seed is the impact you may have on a child, parent or staff member within the community of St Luke's. 

To you, it may seem small - a comment, a greeting, some attention. 

But to the receiver, it may be huge, just like a mustard tree.

Just as tall trees from tiny seeds can grow, so can we contribute to the lives of those around us - through small acts of kindness and love - making a difference so large we may not even recognise. 


What a special job us teachers at St Luke's have, as we stop and look back on the year we are so very proud of the 'mustard seeds' that walked through the doors at the very start of the year and today we witness the 'greatest of trees' leaving. 


©Butterfly House


Thank you to all the staff, children, parents and the St Brendan's Parish for your continued support throughout the year. 


Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and restful holiday break! 



Breanna Levesque

Religious Education Leader.