Outdoor Ed

Vermont Secondary College

Welcome back from the Health, Physical Education and Outdoor Education Team! 


The Health, PE and Outdoor Ed team welcome all students back to 2024 school year and are excited to get stuck in! 

Year 7s, 8s & 9s commence the year with athletics and community recreation in Physical Education. Whilst considering the importance of positive relationships and physical wellbeing and benefits of exercise in Health lessons.  

Year 10 Health, Duke of Edinburgh and Physical Education electives have commenced their semesters of content and enjoying both theoretical and practical learning. See below the Year 10 Leisure Education class participating in a Free Form excursion. 

Unit 1 and 3 classes for Health and Human Development, Physical Education and Outdoor Environmental Studies are well underway. Students in Outdoor Environmental Studies are to head on camp in Week 4 to Wilsons Promontory National Park and Week 7 to Waratah Bay! 

A reminder to all students that hats are required as part of the Term 1 & 4 sport uniforms. Sunscreen is available at the gym foyer.  Have a great Term 1! 



VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies UPCOMING CAMPS​


Unit 3 - The class is heading to Wilsons Promontory National Park to explore the unique and magnificent natural wonder that it is. They will be looking at the varied relationships humans have had with the environment over time along with participating in some more contemporary activities like surfing and kayaking. Students will also be collecting primary data for their logbook reports. Feb 21-23, 2024. 


Unit 1 - Walkerville in Waratah bay will be the destination for the Unit 1 students. Here students will be studying the biomes of coastal, healthland and woodland environments. Students will also get a look at the history of the area and also some of the more sustainable practices such as windfarms and other management strategies along the coast to mitigate coastal erosion. Students will be kayaking and stand up paddle boarding in the area. March 13-15, 2024