Lizzie S - 1A
Lizzie has shown a consistent effort across all the areas of English and clear dedication to her learning. She has a keen passion for reading, where she recommended and provided a wonderful book for our class novel. We are very lucky to have you in our class to share your contributions Lizzie. Keep setting this impressive example Lizzie!
Hugh E - 2C
For showing a wonderful passion and love of writing. He was able to write wonderful ideas for his perfect day and add amazing creativity and imagination to plan and begin his recount story, which really engaged the reader. It is great to see you grow as a confident writer.
Well Done Hugh!
Louie W - 1A
Louie has started the year with a fantastic enthusiasm for mathematics. He readily seeks ways to challenge himself during mathematics workshops and even extended himself by solving worded problems at home. Louie consistently works hard to listen on the floor so he is able to apply his knowledge to the task. Louie is always willing to help those around him by sharing his understanding in a calm and respectful way. Well done Louie on setting a wonderful example!
Della M - 2A
For the first few weeks of Mathematics in 2A, we have been focusing on a few important skills. Collaboration, showing our thinking, and having a go. This student has shown they are highly capable at each of these.
This term, Della has been a successful collaborator, listening to others and adding her own ideas. Additionally she has also been able to identify ways of mathematical thinking which are efficient and non-efficient.
Well done on a great start to grade 2 Della!
Lily B - 1C
Since commencing in Year 1, Lily has consistently followed our classroom agreement and has demonstrated the school values on a daily basis. Lily approaches all learning with a positive, can-do attitude and is always listening attentively ready to learn. She is responsible both within and outside our classroom, showing care and kindness towards all. You’ve been such a wonderful role model for our class. Well done Lily!
Ella O - 2A
This award goes to a student who can always be counted on to be making positive decisions in the classroom.
From the first bell in the morning, to the final bell in the afternoon, this student consistently listens to instructions, helps others and shows respect to others in the classroom.
She is a great example for others to follow and a positive influence on the 2A classroom environment.
Well done on a great start to grade 2 Ella!
Bette Boyd - 1B
Bette has shown a great deal of curiosity so far this term, especially when 1B was sharing their wonderings. Bette pondered, “Sky, space, then what?”
Well done on being so curious Bette, I look forward to finding out about your wonderings with you!
Leon S - 2B
Leon Saari for showing enthusiasm and having a great attitude towards learning through curiosity. He demonstrated this through his curious questions in class, his choices in reading, and willingness to share his ideas and questions with 2B!
Well done Leon Miss Steele is proud of you.