Nicola Smith - Assistant Principal & Wellbeing Coordinator
Nicola Smith - Assistant Principal & Wellbeing Coordinator
Choice supports inclusion - all gender bathrooms at EPS
We are excited to have our all gender bathrooms in Brickwood Hall now in full use, with our reconstruction of the gym toilets into all gender bathrooms well underway.
We have spoken with students across all year levels to ensure they understand the changes and how to behave appropriately and responsibly in the bathrooms. Students came up with a range of examples of other spaces in society where we’re beginning to see all gender bathrooms as the norm, including kindergartens, universities, sports stadiums, parks, aeroplanes, changerooms, and, of course, our own homes. One student reflected, ‘it means if our trusted friend is of a different gender, then it’s not an issue, we can go with them and feel supported’.
By offering all gender bathrooms, we aim to provide more options for students to feel comfortable and safe, and to positively impact students who may feel at risk of exclusion. The design and location of the facilities was considered with this in mind; the gaps around the doors are minimal and allow for full privacy and there is no ability to see over or under the extended length of the doors. For any student who may not feel comfortable accessing these bathrooms, the library toilets will remain single gender. Our wellbeing leaders have come up with some tips for using the bathrooms safely and respectfully (see below).
This work forms part of our commitment to Child Safe Standard 5: Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.
We are proud of the progress we continue to make in creating a more inclusive environment, and remain committed to fostering a school community where all individuals feel safe, valued, and respected.
Online safety and ROBLOX
Please see the attached tip sheet on managing the risks associated with ROBLOX. We are noticing an increase in the number of young students in years 2 and 3 playing these games and reporting inappropriate online behaviour from their peers and other players.
We are working with Inform and Empower this year to ensure all members of our community are well placed to foster safe online environments for children, meeting requirements of Child Safe Standard 9: Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
Step ups for positive behaviour
Have you received a text message from the school saying your child has received a Step Up Award? Teachers now give out Step Up points regularly when students go above and beyond in displaying the school values and their Classroom Agreement. When teachers enter this on Compass, it triggers an automatic message to your phone to prompt you to ask your child more about it and celebrate at home!
Sexuality and Consent Education - session for parents/carers
Thank you to the 40+ parents/carers who came to our online session this week on how to talk to your child about sexuality and consent. Vanessa spoke to us all about childhood sexuality development, how we teach sexuality and consent, how to have conversations at home and the impact of pornography on our children’s understanding.
If you weren’t able to make it and would like to watch a recording of the session, please head to the Talking the Talk website where you can sign up as an EPS parent/carer and access all the resources:
Mobile devices policy and ban
A reminder that the Department of Education has a mobile devices ban in place that requires students who bring mobiles phones and smart watches to school to have them switched off and securely stored by the classroom teacher during school hours.
The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state.
This helps ensure that students' privacy is protected and that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions.
A copy of our school’s local student mobile devices policy, which implements the government’s policy in line with our local context, is available on our school website.
Parent/carer support: The Mobile phones in schools webpage provides links to resources for families to help them balance their children’s time using mobile devices.
Achievement Program
Partnering with the Department of Health - Achievement Program helps us highlight and improve our key focus areas in health and wellbeing as a school. Last year our school was awarded State Government recognition for three key health priority areas; Safe Environments, Mental Health & Wellbeing & Sun Protection. This means we have successfully demonstrated meeting best practices for these health areas. This term we have submitted recognition for two others; Physical Activity & Movement and Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol & Other Drugs. We are very proud of the work we do to frequently improve our health and wellbeing practices and aim to continue to meet these key health benchmarks within our community. The Achievement Program is a free health and wellbeing initiative for schools. More information about the program can be found here.
Last week our wellbeing leaders met with our Grade 4 cohort who were eagerly awaiting meeting their prep buddy on Friday. Our leaders discussed what it means to be a buddy and gave their top tips for becoming a leader of the school in this exciting role. We choose to give this important role to our grade 4 students to begin to bestow leadership opportunities at a younger age but also allow our prep students to connect with an older student who will be there to assist and grow with them over the next three years at EPS. Throughout the year, we aim to host regular buddy meetings/activities to help build these relationships.