Principal's Message

Angela Dawson

This year, with the introduction of our four new Valkstone Values, we have decided to change things up a little when it comes to celebrating!


This year, we will not be handing out Values Awards at the end of every term. Instead, we will be handing out Valkstone Values Bag Tags. These will be very special and very rare. They are only going to be given out for students who go ABOVE AND BEYOND showing our values.


Remember to keep an eye out in the newsletter each week, to see the amazing ways that Valkstone students have been demonstrating our school values of Respect, Integrity, Inclusiveness and Curiosity.



Drum roll, please...

Here are the winners of our first Values Bag Tags!


The first ever tags given out were RESPECT tags which went to two students for giving up their own time after school (without being asked) to put some equipment away in the playground, showing respect to the two teachers who were doing it as well as respect for school property by making sure it wasn't going to be damaged after hours. 




The INTEGRITY award was given out one of our Year 4 students who found a lost Prep student at the start of the day, who was looking worried and uncertain as to where their class was. Instead of passing by, like all the other kids had done, this student took the time to approach the Prep, with a warm smile. She also took the time to call out to an adult on yard duty who could help. These actions showed integrity, as our Year 4 student displayed a commitment to doing the right thing even when no-one else was watching and when no-one else had. She demonstrated responsibility and kindness, all a big part of being a Valkstone kid.