Parents and Friends


Welcome to our SFS families and a warm welcome to our new SFS families who have joined us this year. 

We are pleased to present our new Parents and Friends Committee for 2024


President – Lourdes Iape

Vice President – Elena Senise 

Secretary – Kirei Reed & Natasha Pizzimento

Treasurer – Melissa Turner & Raquel Netto 


General Members:

Bruntha, Jo, Cenie, Courtney, Gail, Laura, Melody, Ruchira, 

Sabrina, Shanelle, Shivanthi & Stephanie



We have a wonderful year of events coming up!If you would like to join as a general member we would love to have some new parents, please contact Lourdes on,



Our Vice President!

Name: Elena Senise

Age: 44

Hobbies: Soccer, Drawing & Cocktail Making 

Children at the school: Davide in Year 6

Footy / Favourite Sport: Collingwood & Soccer, team is Napoli

Favourite Destination: Amalfi Coast & Noumea

If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you like to be stuck with? Ryan Reynolds 




Thank you to all the parents who have completed forms for Pancake Day 

We are looking forward to serving up your children delicious pancakes.

Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help, it’s going to be a fun day!


We are proud to announce…………



Colour Explosion Booklets and Notices were sent home this week, so check your child’s school bag.


In conjunction with the Cross Country Run, the P&F are hosting a COOUR EX LOSIO RUN4F N on Thursday 28 March. This event will be held on the school oval following the Cross Country Run. The day’s focus is on fun and fitness with the added benefit of raising funds for our school. 


How does it work? Following the Cross Country Run at school, the Colour Explosion Run will be held on the school oval. Students will run a short course and P&F Volunteers will spray the students with coloured powder. The idea is to have fun and get messy!! Students will receive a pair of sunnies to protect their eyes. The colour powder used in the event is made of high quality corn starch and permitted food colours. It’s non-toxic, biodegradable, skin safe and environmentally friendly. The ingredient listings can be obtained from the School Office. Students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate.


 What to wear? Students are required to wear a shirt in their house colours. To maximise the effect of the colour powder, we suggest wearing a light coloured top in blue (Teresa), red (Bosco), yellow (MacKillop) or green (Patrick). The coloured powder will likely wash out of your child’s clothing, however we recommend that your child wears clothing that you don’t mind being coloured – just in case! 


Why are we fundraising? The money we raise goes back into the school for the benefit of all students. The funds are used to purchase additional learning and recreational resources for the school. In previous years, the P&F has raised funds for new books, the cricket pitch and the line marking games around the school. It also allows the P&F to provide free events for students like the Twilight Sports Sausage Sizzle and Pancakes. As this is our major fundraiser for the year, we appreciate your support!


IMPORTANT: Please Register Online! Each student must register online: Click ‘Register’ to create your new account for 2024. Create your profile. Enter your child’s name, select our school ‘(LYNBROOK) St Francis De Sales Catholic Primary School’ and your child’s Class Name. Eg. Rosie Joseph’s group = “RJ”. 


Refer to the Online Registration Instructions for further information. You can raise money online by sharing the link to your child’s page. If your child does receive cash donations, we ask that parents please convert this to an online donation. 


Every student that raises $10 or more will receive a prize - so get involved! The more money they raise, the more prize choices they will have. All prizes must be ordered online so it is essential that you register online. 




We are pleased to advise the uniform shop will be open every Thursday at 8:40 am

Located in the Community Room

All Items $5.00

Cash or EFTPOS


Have any old uniform at home? Why not donate them to the uniform shop?

Please ensure they are laundered and stain free. 

We accept all donations summer and winter uniform, feel free to leave any donations at the office with Lorenza or Viv.






Every Friday -1st Lunch 



All flavours are subject to availability on the day. 

Parent helpers will cut the tops off them for children to make it easier. 


The PFA are also looking for volunteers to help on a Friday morning, so if you could spare 45 minutes of your day to come and help, please contact Lourdes

Please Note:

A current and valid working with Childrens Check is required. 




Join our Facebook page to get lots of useful information, copies of forms and ask questions top other parents. 


Please Note: you must answer the questions to be accepted into the group 




All volunteers and helpers at SFS must have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC).

 These checks are very easy to apply for, and free for volunteers. 

We love having parent helpers with all our Parents and Friends events, the children love seeing their parents at school.