From the Principal
A Spectacular Start - Stomping our way into 2024
It was a perfect evening for our St Francis de Sales School Picnic. We finally had the green light after four years of postponements due to COVID, wet weather and extreme hot weather!! Finally it was just right! It was a spectacular finish to our first week at school.
Last Friday we had STOMP join us at school for an incursion. During the day children in every Learning Space Senior and Junior were introduced to a dance. The engagement was next level as the children enjoyed every second of the experience. During the picnic each group performed their dance to the audience who had gathered for our picnic. We were all delighted. Extra special delight was to see our Foundation, Prep students up there confidently performing and able to manage all the steps after just one day at School!!
It was so great to see the number of parents who brought a picnic and enjoyed this special start to the school year. It was a great opportunity to build connections and enjoy a relaxing evening together as part of the St Francis de Sales school community.
Customise your SFS School App
Personalise your SFS School App so that you only receive notifications that are relevant for you. It only takes a few easy steps. We want to send out notifications just to specific groups rather than to all students. So follow the guide and customise your SFS School App
You can now customise the notifications you receive.
If your child is a Senior, you only want to leave green/switched on the following: All students; Senior Home Groups and your child’s specific home group e.g S Group LS1 AO as well as choir if they are part of the choir. In addition if your child is in Year 3 you are also asked to toggle on their year level for notification just for a specific year level. The rest you can toggle off and they will become grey which means you will no longer receive those notifications that are not relevant for you.
If your child is a Junior, you only want to leave green/switched on the following: All students; Junior Home Groups and your child’s specific home group e.g J Group LS1 LY. In addition if your child is in Year Foundation, you are also asked to toggle on their year level for notification just for that specific year level. The rest you can toggle off and they will become grey which means you will no longer receive those notifications that are not relevant for you.
Now you will only receive notifications that are relevant
and not all notifications sent out!!!
The Start of Lent
Next Wednesday 14th February is Ash Wednesday. We invite parents and families to join us for Mass at 2:15 in our School Hall. On Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday and our P&F will be making pancakes for the children as we get ready for Lent. On Tuesday, Fr Fabian will be at our school for the Burning of the Palms. Palms from Palm Sunday 2023 will be burned to be used on Ash Wednesday. Ashes are a biblical symbol of mourning and penance.This ceremony will be held in the Yarning Circle at 12:30pm. Our senior students will attend this ceremony and parents are invited to drop by and join us as well. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning on Lent a time of reflection as we prepare for Easter.
Happy Lunar New Year.
Christine White